::selection CSS pseudo-element
The ::selection CSS pseudo-element applies rules to the portion of a document that has been highlighted (e.g., selected with the mouse or another pointing device) by the user.
Document Object Model Range
A contiguous range of content in a Document, DocumentFragment or Attr
Directory selection from file input
The `webkitdirectory` attribute on the `<input type="file">` element allows entire directory with file contents (and any subdirectories) to be selected.
Multiple file selection
Allows users to select multiple files in the file picker.
Selection controls for input & textarea
Controls for setting and getting text selection via `setSelectionRange()` and the `selectionStart` & `selectionEnd` properties.
Selection API
API for accessing selected content of a document, including the `window.getSelection()` method, as well as the `selectstart` & `selectionchange` events on `document`.
editcontext api: selectionend
editcontext api: selectionstart
htmlinputelement api: selectiondirection
htmlinputelement api: selectionend
htmlinputelement api: selectionstart
htmltextareaelement api: selectiondirection
htmltextareaelement api: selectionend
htmltextareaelement api: selectionstart
selection api
selection api: addrange
selection api: anchornode
selection api: anchoroffset
selection api: collapse
selection api: collapsetoend
selection api: collapsetostart
selection api: collapse: accepts `node` parameter in any tree/shadow tree
selection api: collapse: `node` parameter is nullable
selection api: collapse: `offset` parameter is optional
selection api: containsnode
selection api: containsnode: `partialcontainment` parameter is optional
selection api: deletefromdocument
selection api: direction
selection api: `empty()` as alias of `removeallranges()`
selection api: extend
selection api: extend: accepts `node` parameter in any tree/shadow tree
selection api: extend: `offset` parameter is optional
selection api: focusnode
selection api: focusoffset
selection api: getcomposedranges
selection api: getcomposedranges: returned array can contain multiple ranges
selection api: getrangeat
selection api: iscollapsed
selection api: modify
selection api: rangecount
selection api: removeallranges
selection api: removerange
selection api: selectallchildren
selection api: setbaseandextent
selection api: setbaseandextent: accepts `anchornode` and `focusnode` arguments in different shadow trees
selection api: `setposition()` as alias of `collapse()`
selection api: tostring
selection api: type
textupdateevent api: selectionend
textupdateevent api: selectionstart
50 results found.