1. ::selection CSS pseudo-element

    The ::selection CSS pseudo-element applies rules to the portion of a document that has been highlighted (e.g., selected with the mouse or another pointing device) by the user.

  2. Document Object Model Range

    A contiguous range of content in a Document, DocumentFragment or Attr

  3. Directory selection from file input

    The `webkitdirectory` attribute on the `<input type="file">` element allows entire directory with file contents (and any subdirectories) to be selected.

  4. Multiple file selection

    Allows users to select multiple files in the file picker.

  5. Selection controls for input & textarea

    Controls for setting and getting text selection via `setSelectionRange()` and the `selectionStart` & `selectionEnd` properties.

  6. Selection API

    API for accessing selected content of a document, including the `window.getSelection()` method, as well as the `selectstart` & `selectionchange` events on `document`.

  7. editcontext api: selectionend

  8. editcontext api: selectionstart

  9. htmlinputelement api: selectiondirection

  10. htmlinputelement api: selectionend

  11. htmlinputelement api: selectionstart

  12. htmltextareaelement api: selectiondirection

  13. htmltextareaelement api: selectionend

  14. htmltextareaelement api: selectionstart

  15. selection api

  16. selection api: addrange

  17. selection api: anchornode

  18. selection api: anchoroffset

  19. selection api: collapse

  20. selection api: collapsetoend

  21. selection api: collapsetostart

  22. selection api: collapse: accepts `node` parameter in any tree/shadow tree

  23. selection api: collapse: `node` parameter is nullable

  24. selection api: collapse: `offset` parameter is optional

  25. selection api: containsnode

  26. selection api: containsnode: `partialcontainment` parameter is optional

  27. selection api: deletefromdocument

  28. selection api: direction

  29. selection api: `empty()` as alias of `removeallranges()`

  30. selection api: extend

  31. selection api: extend: accepts `node` parameter in any tree/shadow tree

  32. selection api: extend: `offset` parameter is optional

  33. selection api: focusnode

  34. selection api: focusoffset

  35. selection api: getcomposedranges

  36. selection api: getcomposedranges: returned array can contain multiple ranges

  37. selection api: getrangeat

  38. selection api: iscollapsed

  39. selection api: modify

  40. selection api: rangecount

  41. selection api: removeallranges

  42. selection api: removerange

  43. selection api: selectallchildren

  44. selection api: setbaseandextent

  45. selection api: setbaseandextent: accepts `anchornode` and `focusnode` arguments in different shadow trees

  46. selection api: `setposition()` as alias of `collapse()`

  47. selection api: tostring

  48. selection api: type

  49. textupdateevent api: selectionend

  50. textupdateevent api: selectionstart