1. CSS font-palette

    The font-palette CSS property allows selecting a palette from a color font. In combination with the `@font-palette-values` at-rule, custom palettes can be defined.

  2. CSS Variables (Custom Properties)

    Permits the declaration and usage of cascading variables in stylesheets.

  3. css at-rule: `@container`: style queries for custom properties

  4. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-bottom`

  5. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-left`

  6. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-right`

  7. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-top`

  8. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-height`

  9. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-width`

  10. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-x`

  11. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-y`

  12. css property: --*: `var()`