1. Custom protocol handling

    Method of allowing a webpage to handle a given protocol using `navigator.registerProtocolHandler`. This allows certain URLs to be opened by a given web application, for example `mailto:` addresses can be opened by a webmail client.

  2. requestIdleCallback

    API allowing the execution of JavaScript to be queued to run in idle browser time, either at the end of a frame or when the user is inactive. Also covers support for `cancelIdleCallback`. The API has similarities with `requestAnimationFrame`.

  3. unhandledrejection/rejectionhandled events

    The `unhandledrejection` event is fired when a Promise is rejected but there is no rejection handler to deal with the rejection. The `rejectionhandled` event is fired when a Promise is rejected, and after the rejection is handled by the promise's rejection handling code.

  4. gpusupportedlimits api

  5. gpusupportedlimits api: maxbindgroups

  6. gpusupportedlimits api: maxbindingsperbindgroup

  7. gpusupportedlimits api: maxbuffersize

  8. gpusupportedlimits api: maxcolorattachments

  9. gpusupportedlimits api: maxcomputeworkgroupsizex

  10. gpusupportedlimits api: maxcomputeworkgroupsizey

  11. gpusupportedlimits api: maxtexturearraylayers

  12. gpusupportedlimits api: maxtexturedimension1d

  13. gpusupportedlimits api: maxtexturedimension2d

  14. gpusupportedlimits api: maxtexturedimension3d

  15. gpusupportedlimits api: maxvertexattributes

  16. gpusupportedlimits api: maxvertexbuffers

  17. htmldlistelement api

  18. htmldlistelement api: compact

  19. idledeadline api

  20. idledeadline api: didtimeout

  21. idledeadline api: timeremaining

  22. idledetector api

  23. idledetector api: `change` event

  24. idledetector api: `idledetector()` constructor

  25. idledetector api: `requestpermission()` static method

  26. idledetector api: screenstate

  27. idledetector api: start

  28. idledetector api: userstate

  29. keyboardlayoutmap api

  30. keyboardlayoutmap api: @@iterator

  31. keyboardlayoutmap api: entries

  32. keyboardlayoutmap api: foreach

  33. keyboardlayoutmap api: get

  34. keyboardlayoutmap api: has

  35. keyboardlayoutmap api: keys

  36. keyboardlayoutmap api: size

  37. keyboardlayoutmap api: values

  38. svganimatedlength api

  39. svganimatedlengthlist api

  40. svganimatedlengthlist api: animval

  41. svganimatedlengthlist api: baseval

  42. svganimatedlength api: animval

  43. svganimatedlength api: baseval

  44. xrquadlayer api

  45. xrquadlayer api: height

  46. xrquadlayer api: `redraw` event

  47. xrquadlayer api: space

  48. xrquadlayer api: transform

  49. xrquadlayer api: width

  50. html element: dl