SVG fonts
Method of using fonts defined as SVG shapes. Removed from [SVG 2.0]( and considered as a deprecated feature with support being removed from browsers.
css at-rule: `@font-face`: svg fonts
svg element: font
svg element: font-face
svg element: font-face-format
svg element: font-face-format: string
svg element: font-face-name
svg element: font-face-name: name
svg element: font-face-src
svg element: font-face-uri
svg element: font-face-uri: xlink:href
svg element: font-face: accent-height
svg element: font-face: alphabetic
svg element: font-face: ascent
svg element: font-face: bbox
svg element: font-face: cap-height
svg element: font-face: descent
svg element: font-face: font-family
svg element: font-face: font-size
svg element: font-face: font-stretch
svg element: font-face: font-style
svg element: font-face: font-variant
svg element: font-face: font-weight
svg element: font-face: hanging
svg element: font-face: ideographic
svg element: font-face: mathematical
svg element: font-face: overline-position
svg element: font-face: overline-thickness
svg element: font-face: panose-1
svg element: font-face: slope
svg element: font-face: stemh
svg element: font-face: stemv
svg element: font-face: strikethrough-position
svg element: font-face: strikethrough-thickness
svg element: font-face: underline-position
svg element: font-face: underline-thickness
svg element: font-face: unicode-range
svg element: font-face: units-per-em
svg element: font-face: v-alphabetic
svg element: font-face: v-hanging
svg element: font-face: v-ideographic
svg element: font-face: v-mathematical
svg element: font-face: widths
svg element: font-face: x-height
svg element: font: horiz-adv-x
svg element: font: horiz-origin-x
svg element: font: horiz-origin-y
svg element: font: vert-adv-y
svg element: font: vert-origin-x
svg element: font: vert-origin-y
50 results found.