Allows files to be read synchronously in Web Workers
Returns the number of logical cores of the user's CPU. The value may be reduced to prevent device fingerprinting or because it exceeds the allowed number of simultaneous web workers.
Service Workers
Method that enables applications to take advantage of persistent background processing, including hooks to enable bootstrapping of web applications while offline.
Shared Web Workers
Method of allowing multiple scripts to communicate with a single web worker.
Web Workers
Method of running scripts in the background, isolated from the web page
webglactiveinfo api: available in workers
webglbuffer api: available in workers
webglcontextevent api: available in workers
webglframebuffer api: available in workers
webglprogram api: available in workers
webglrenderbuffer api: available in workers
webglrenderingcontext api: available in workers
webglshaderprecisionformat api: available in workers
webglshader api: available in workers
webgltexture api: available in workers
webgluniformlocation api: available in workers
websocket api: available in workers
17 results found.