Audio element
Method of playing sound on webpages (without requiring a plug-in). Includes support for the following media properties: `currentSrc`, `currentTime`, `paused`, `playbackRate`, `buffered`, `duration`, `played`, `seekable`, `ended`, `autoplay`, `loop`, `controls`, `volume` & `muted`
Media Capture from DOM Elements API
API to capture Real-Time video and audio from a DOM element, such as a `<video>`, `<audio>`, or `<canvas>` element via the `captureStream` method, in the form of a `MediaStream`
Media Source Extensions
API allowing media data to be accessed from HTML `video` and `audio` elements.
audiocontext api: createmediaelementsource
htmlaudioelement api
htmlaudioelement api: `audio()` constructor
htmlmediaelement api: audiotracks
htmlmediaelement api: mozaudiocaptured
htmlvideoelement api: mozhasaudio
mediaelementaudiosourcenode api
mediaelementaudiosourcenode api: mediaelement
mediaelementaudiosourcenode api: `mediaelementaudiosourcenode()` constructor
html element: audio: autoplay
html element: audio: controls
html element: audio: controlslist
html element: audio: crossorigin
html element: audio: disableremoteplayback
html element: audio: loop
html element: audio: muted
html element: audio: preload
html element: audio: src
html element: video: autoplay: autoplay requires `muted` attribute or no audio track
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