1. CSS ::marker pseudo-element

    The `::marker` pseudo-element allows list item markers to be styled or have their content value customized.

  2. Custom Elements (deprecated V0 spec)

    Original V0 version of the custom elements specification. See [Custom Elements V1](#feat=custom-elementsv1) for support for the latest version.

  3. Custom Elements (V1)

    One of the key features of the Web Components system, custom elements allow new HTML tags to be defined.

  4. Datalist element

    Method of setting a list of options for a user to select in a text field, while leaving the ability to enter a custom value.

  5. dataset & data-* attributes

    Method of applying and accessing custom data to elements.

  6. Dialog element

    Method of easily creating custom dialog boxes to display to the user with modal or non-modal options. Also includes a `::backdrop` pseudo-element for behind the element.

  7. Selectlist - Customizable select element

    Proposal for a customizable `<select>` element, currently defined as `<selectlist>`, previously `<selectmenu>`.

  8. customelementregistry api

  9. customelementregistry api: customized built-in element support

  10. customelementregistry api: define

  11. customelementregistry api: define: supports `disabledfeatures` static property

  12. customelementregistry api: get

  13. customelementregistry api: getname

  14. customelementregistry api: upgrade

  15. customelementregistry api: whendefined

  16. htmlbuttonelement api: setcustomvalidity

  17. htmlfieldsetelement api: setcustomvalidity

  18. htmlinputelement api: setcustomvalidity

  19. htmlobjectelement api: setcustomvalidity

  20. htmloutputelement api: setcustomvalidity

  21. htmlselectelement api: setcustomvalidity

  22. htmltextareaelement api: setcustomvalidity

  23. window api: customelements

  24. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols"`