1. backgroundfetchevent api

  2. backgroundfetchevent api: registration

  3. backgroundfetchmanager api

  4. backgroundfetchmanager api: fetch

  5. backgroundfetchmanager api: get

  6. backgroundfetchmanager api: getids

  7. backgroundfetchrecord api

  8. backgroundfetchrecord api: request

  9. backgroundfetchrecord api: responseready

  10. backgroundfetchregistration api

  11. backgroundfetchregistration api: abort

  12. backgroundfetchregistration api: downloaded

  13. backgroundfetchregistration api: downloadtotal

  14. backgroundfetchregistration api: failurereason

  15. backgroundfetchregistration api: id

  16. backgroundfetchregistration api: match

  17. backgroundfetchregistration api: matchall

  18. backgroundfetchregistration api: result

  19. backgroundfetchregistration api: uploaded

  20. backgroundfetchregistration api: uploadtotal

  21. backgroundfetchupdateuievent api

  22. backgroundfetchupdateuievent api: updateui

  23. fetch api

  24. fetchevent api

  25. fetchevent api: clientid

  26. fetchevent api: `fetchevent()` constructor

  27. fetchevent api: handled

  28. fetchevent api: isreload

  29. fetchevent api: preloadresponse

  30. fetchevent api: replacesclientid

  31. fetchevent api: request

  32. fetchevent api: respondwith

  33. fetchevent api: respondwith: `networkerror` thrown if the request mode is `same-origin` and the response type is `cors`

  34. fetchevent api: respondwith: change in behavior when specifying the final url of a resource.

  35. fetchevent api: resultingclientid

  36. fetch api: `authorization` header removed from cross-origin redirects

  37. fetch api: support for blob: and data:

  38. fetch api: `init.attributionreporting` parameter

  39. fetch api: `init.browsingtopics` parameter

  40. fetch api: `init.keepalive` parameter

  41. fetch api: `init.priority` parameter

  42. fetch api: `init.referrerpolicy` parameter

  43. fetch api: `init.signal` parameter

  44. htmlimageelement api: fetchpriority

  45. htmllinkelement api: fetchpriority

  46. htmlscriptelement api: fetchpriority

  47. performanceresourcetiming api: fetchstart

  48. performancetiming api: fetchstart

  49. serviceworkerglobalscope api: `fetch` event

  50. serviceworkerregistration api: backgroundfetch