1. selector list argument of :not()

    Selectors Level 3 only allowed `:not()` pseudo-class to accept a single simple selector, which the element must not match any of. Thus, `:not(a, .b, [c])` or `:not(a.b[c])` did not work. Selectors Level 4 allows `:not()` to accept a list of selectors. Thus, `:not(a):not(.b):not([c])` can instead be written as `:not(a, .b, [c])` and `:not(a.b[c])` works as intended.

  2. #rrggbbaa hex color notation

    The CSS Color Module Level 4 defines new 4 & 8 character hex notation for color to include the opacity level.

  3. Do Not Track API

    API to allow the browser's Do Not Track setting to be queried via `navigator.doNotTrack`. Due to lack of adoption the Do Not Track specification was deprecated in 2018.

  4. Web Notifications

    Method of alerting the user outside of a web page by displaying notifications (that do not require interaction by the user).

  5. mlgraphbuilder api: not

  6. notification api

  7. notificationevent api

  8. notificationevent api: action

  9. notificationevent api: notification

  10. notification api: actions

  11. notification api: badge

  12. notification api: body

  13. notification api: `click` event

  14. notification api: close

  15. notification api: `close` event

  16. notification api: data

  17. notification api: dir

  18. notification api: `error` event

  19. notification api: icon

  20. notification api: image

  21. notification api: lang

  22. notification api: `maxactions` static property

  23. notification api: `permission` static property

  24. notification api: `requestpermission()` static method

  25. notification api: requireinteraction

  26. notification api: secure context required

  27. notification api: `show` event

  28. notification api: silent

  29. notification api: tag

  30. notification api: timestamp

  31. notification api: title

  32. notification api: vibrate

  33. notification api: available in workers

  34. notrestoredreasondetails api

  35. notrestoredreasondetails api: reason

  36. notrestoredreasondetails api: tojson

  37. notrestoredreasons api

  38. notrestoredreasons api: children

  39. notrestoredreasons api: id

  40. notrestoredreasons api: name

  41. notrestoredreasons api: reasons

  42. notrestoredreasons api: src

  43. notrestoredreasons api: tojson

  44. notrestoredreasons api: url

  45. css property: cursor: not-allowed

  46. css selector: `:any-link`: `:any-link` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  47. css selector: `:link`: `:link` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  48. css selector: `:visited`: `:visited` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  49. manifest: note_taking

  50. javascript built-in: atomics: notify