1. :dir() CSS pseudo-class

    Matches elements based on their directionality. `:dir(ltr)` matches elements which are Left-to-Right. `:dir(rtl)` matches elements which are Right-to-Left.

  2. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  3. domrectreadonly api: right

  4. rect api: right

  5. screen api: mozbrightness

  6. vrfieldofview api: rightdegrees

  7. vrframedata api: rightprojectionmatrix

  8. vrframedata api: rightviewmatrix

  9. css property: background-position: right

  10. css property: border-bottom-right-radius

  11. css property: border-bottom-right-radius: elliptical corners

  12. css property: border-bottom-right-radius: percentages

  13. css property: border-right

  14. css property: border-right-color

  15. css property: border-right-style

  16. css property: border-right-width

  17. css property: border-top-right-radius

  18. css property: border-top-right-radius: elliptical corners

  19. css property: border-top-right-radius: percentages

  20. css property: break-after: right

  21. css property: break-before: right

  22. css property: caption-side: right

  23. css property: clear: right

  24. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-right`

  25. css property: float: right

  26. css property: justify-content: supported in flex layout: `left` and `right`

  27. css property: margin-right

  28. css property: margin-right: `auto`

  29. css property: padding-right

  30. css property: page-break-after: right

  31. css property: page-break-before: right

  32. css property: perspective-origin: right

  33. css property: right

  34. css property: right: auto

  35. css property: scroll-margin-right

  36. css property: scroll-padding-right

  37. css property: text-align: right

  38. css property: text-combine-upright

  39. css property: text-emphasis-position: right

  40. css property: text-underline-position: right

  41. css property: touch-action: pan-right

  42. css property: transform-origin: right

  43. css selector: right-hand page pseudo-class (`:right`)

  44. types: filter-function: `brightness()`

  45. html element: body: rightmargin

  46. javascript built-in: regexp: `regexp.rightcontext` (`$'`)

  47. javascript operator: bitwise right shift (`a >> b`)

  48. javascript operator: right shift assignment (`x >>= y`)

  49. javascript operator: bitwise unsigned right shift (`a >>> b`)

  50. javascript operator: unsigned right shift assignment (`x >>>= y`)