1. ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)

    Support for the ECMAScript 2015 specification. Features include Promises, Modules, Classes, Template Literals, Arrow Functions, Let and Const, Default Parameters, Generators, Destructuring Assignment, Rest & Spread, Map/Set & WeakMap/WeakSet and many more.

  2. Typed Arrays

    JavaScript typed arrays provide a mechanism for accessing raw binary data much more efficiently. Includes: `Int8Array`, `Uint8Array`, `Uint8ClampedArray`, `Int16Array`, `Uint16Array`, `Int32Array`, `Uint32Array`, `Float32Array` & `Float64Array`

  3. html element: script: type

  4. html element: script: type: `type="importmap"`

  5. html element: script: type: `type="module"`

  6. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`

  7. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `eagerness` key

  8. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `expects_no_vary_search` key

  9. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `prefetch` key

  10. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `prerender` key

  11. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `referrer_policy` key

  12. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `relative_to` key

  13. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `requires` key

  14. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `requires` key: `anonymous-client-ip-when-cross-origin` value

  15. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `source` key is optional

  16. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `urls` key

  17. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `where` key

  18. javascript built-in: typedarray

  19. javascript built-in: typedarray: at

  20. javascript built-in: typedarray: buffer

  21. javascript built-in: typedarray: entries

  22. javascript built-in: typedarray: every

  23. javascript built-in: typedarray: fill

  24. javascript built-in: typedarray: filter

  25. javascript built-in: typedarray: find

  26. javascript built-in: typedarray: findlast

  27. javascript built-in: typedarray: foreach

  28. javascript built-in: typedarray: from

  29. javascript built-in: typedarray: includes

  30. javascript built-in: typedarray: indexof

  31. javascript built-in: typedarray: join

  32. javascript built-in: typedarray: keys

  33. javascript built-in: typedarray: length

  34. javascript built-in: typedarray: map

  35. javascript built-in: typedarray: name

  36. javascript built-in: typedarray: of

  37. javascript built-in: typedarray: reduce

  38. javascript built-in: typedarray: reverse

  39. javascript built-in: typedarray: set

  40. javascript built-in: typedarray: slice

  41. javascript built-in: typedarray: some

  42. javascript built-in: typedarray: sort

  43. javascript built-in: typedarray: tostring

  44. javascript built-in: typedarray: values

  45. javascript built-in: typedarray: with

  46. javascript built-in: typeerror

  47. javascript operator: typeof

  48. svg element: script: type

  49. svg element: script: type: `type='module'`

  50. typescript