Web Share API
A way to allow websites to invoke the native sharing capabilities of the host platform
document api: requeststorageaccess: `types` parameter: `types.sharedworker` parameter
htmliframeelement api: sharedstoragewritable
htmlimageelement api: sharedstoragewritable
navigator api: share
navigator api: share: `data.files` parameter
navigator api: share: `data.text` parameter
sharedstorage api
sharedstorageworklet api
sharedstorageworkletglobalscope api
sharedstorageworkletglobalscope api: register
sharedstorageworkletglobalscope api: sharedstorage
sharedstorageworklet api: run
sharedstorageworklet api: selecturl
sharedstorage api: append
sharedstorage api: clear
sharedstorage api: createworklet
sharedstorage api: delete
sharedstorage api: get
sharedstorage api: run
sharedstorage api: selecturl
sharedstorage api: set
sharedstorage api: worklet
sharedworker api
sharedworkerglobalscope api
sharedworkerglobalscope api: close
sharedworkerglobalscope api: `connect` event
sharedworkerglobalscope api: name
sharedworker api: `error` event
sharedworker api: port
sharedworker api: `sharedworker()` constructor
sharedworker api: `sharedworker()` constructor: support for ecmascript modules
sharedworker api: `sharedworker()` constructor: `options.name` parameter
sharedworker api: `sharedworker()` constructor: `options.samesitecookies` parameter
sharedworker api: `sharedworker()` constructor: `options.type` parameter
storageaccesshandle api: sharedworker
webgl2renderingcontext api: bufferdata: `srcdata` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: clearbufferfv: `values` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: clearbufferiv: `values` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: clearbufferuiv: `values` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: readpixels: `pixels` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: teximage3d: `srcdata` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: texsubimage3d: `srcdata` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: vertexattrib2fv: `value` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webgl2renderingcontext api: vertexattrib3fv: `value` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webglrenderingcontext api: vertexattrib1fv: `value` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webglrenderingcontext api: vertexattrib2fv: `value` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webglrenderingcontext api: vertexattrib3fv: `value` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
webglrenderingcontext api: vertexattrib4fv: `value` parameter accepts `sharedarraybuffer` type
window api: sharedstorage
50 results found.