1. SVG SMIL animation

    Method of using animation elements to animate SVG images

  2. svganimationelement api

  3. svganimationelement api: beginelement

  4. svganimationelement api: beginelementat

  5. svganimationelement api: `beginevent` event

  6. svganimationelement api: endelement

  7. svganimationelement api: endelementat

  8. svganimationelement api: `endevent` event

  9. svganimationelement api: getcurrenttime

  10. svganimationelement api: getsimpleduration

  11. svganimationelement api: getstarttime

  12. svganimationelement api: `repeatevent` event

  13. svganimationelement api: requiredextensions

  14. svganimationelement api: systemlanguage

  15. svganimationelement api: targetelement

  16. svgsvgelement api: animationspaused

  17. svgsvgelement api: pauseanimations

  18. svgsvgelement api: unpauseanimations

  19. global_attributes: class: animation support