1. Array.prototype.find

    The `find()` method returns the value of the first item in the array based on the result of the provided testing function.

  2. Array.prototype.findIndex

    The `findIndex()` method returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.

  3. CSS.supports() API

    The CSS.supports() static method returns a Boolean value indicating if the browser supports a given CSS feature, or not.

  4. Window.devicePixelRatio

    Read-only property that returns the ratio of the (vertical) size of one physical pixel on the current display device to the size of one CSS pixel.

  5. document.currentScript

    `document.currentScript` returns the `<script>` element whose script is currently being processed.

  6. Element.closest()

    DOM method that returns the current element if it matches the given selector, or else the closest ancestor element that matches the given selector, or else null.

  7. localeCompare()

    The `localeCompare()` method returns a number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort order.

  8. Object.values method

    The `Object.values()` method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values.

  9. barprop api: visible: returns `true` for non-popup windows

  10. baseaudiocontext api: decodeaudiodata: returns a `promise`

  11. beforeunloadevent api: returnvalue

  12. cookiestore api: getall: `partitioned` in return value

  13. cookiestore api: get: `partitioned` in return value

  14. css api: `turn()` static method

  15. document api: execcommand: `insertbronreturn` command

  16. document api: exitfullscreen: returns a `promise`

  17. domtokenlist api: replace: `return()`'s value is a boolean, not void as it used to be.

  18. element api: requestfullscreen: returns a `promise`

  19. event api: returnvalue

  20. htmldialogelement api: returnvalue

  21. htmlelement api: togglepopover: returns `true` or `false`

  22. htmlmediaelement api: play: returns a `promise`

  23. navigator api: mimetypes: returns mime types from plugins rather than hard-coded pdf values

  24. navigator api: plugins: returns plugins rather than hard-coded pdf plugin values

  25. offlineaudiocontext api: startrendering: returns a `promise`

  26. performance api: mark: returns `performancemark`

  27. performance api: measure: returns `performancemeasure`

  28. rtcpeerconnection api: addicecandidate: returns a `promise`

  29. rtcpeerconnection api: createanswer: returns a `promise`

  30. rtcpeerconnection api: createoffer: returns a `promise`

  31. rtcpeerconnection api: getstats: returns a `promise`

  32. rtcpeerconnection api: `setlocaldescription()`: returns a `promise`

  33. rtcpeerconnection api: `setremotedescription()`: returns a `promise`

  34. rtcrtpreceiver api: getparameters: `codecs` property in returned object

  35. rtcrtpreceiver api: getparameters: `headerextensions` property in returned object

  36. rtcrtpreceiver api: getparameters: `rtcp` property in returned object

  37. rtcrtpsender api: `getparameters()`: `codecs` property in returned object

  38. rtcrtpsender api: `getparameters()`: `degradationpreference` property in returned object

  39. rtcrtpsender api: `getparameters()`: `encodings` property in returned object

  40. rtcrtpsender api: `getparameters()`: `headerextensions` property in returned object

  41. rtcrtpsender api: `getparameters()`: `rtcp` property in returned object

  42. rtcrtpsender api: `getparameters()`: `transactionid` property in returned object

  43. webtransportbidirectionalstream api: readable: returns `webtransportreceivestream` (earlier spec returned `writablestream`)

  44. webtransportbidirectionalstream api: writable: returns `webtransportsendstream` (earlier spec returned `writablestream`)

  45. window api: `beforeunload` event: activation by setting `event.returnvalue` to any truthy value

  46. window api: `beforeunload` event: activation by returning a string

  47. types: `<angle>`: turn

  48. javascript built-in: asyncgenerator: return

  49. javascript built-in: generator: return

  50. javascript statement: return