The `DOMMatrix` interface represents 4x4 matrices, suitable for 2D and 3D operations. Supersedes the `WebKitCSSMatrix` and `SVGMatrix` interfaces.
JPEG XR image format
JPEG XR was built to supersede the original JPEG format by having better compression and more features. [WebP](/webp), [AVIF](/avif) and [JPEG XL](/jpegxl) are all designed to supersede JPEG XR.
API for accessing virtual reality (VR) devices, including sensors and head-mounted displays. Replaced by the [WebXR Device API](/webxr).
WebXR Device API
API for accessing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices, including sensors and head-mounted displays.
webgl2renderingcontext api: makexrcompatible
webglrenderingcontext api: makexrcompatible
xrwebglbinding api
xrwebglbinding api: createcubelayer
xrwebglbinding api: createcylinderlayer
xrwebglbinding api: createequirectlayer
xrwebglbinding api: createprojectionlayer
xrwebglbinding api: createquadlayer
xrwebglbinding api: getcameraimage
xrwebglbinding api: getdepthinformation
xrwebglbinding api: getreflectioncubemap
xrwebglbinding api: getsubimage
xrwebglbinding api: getviewsubimage
xrwebglbinding api: nativeprojectionscalefactor
xrwebglbinding api: `xrwebglbinding()` constructor
xrwebgldepthinformation api
xrwebgldepthinformation api: texture
xrwebgllayer api
xrwebgllayer api: antialias
xrwebgllayer api: fixedfoveation
xrwebgllayer api: framebuffer
xrwebgllayer api: framebufferheight
xrwebgllayer api: framebufferwidth
xrwebgllayer api: `getnativeframebufferscalefactor()` static method
xrwebgllayer api: `getviewport()`
xrwebgllayer api: ignoredepthvalues
xrwebgllayer api: `xrwebgllayer()` constructor
xrwebglsubimage api
xrwebglsubimage api: colortexture
xrwebglsubimage api: colortextureheight
xrwebglsubimage api: colortexturewidth
xrwebglsubimage api: depthstenciltexture
xrwebglsubimage api: imageindex
37 results found.