1. CSS background-blend-mode

    Allows blending between CSS background images, gradients, and colors.

  2. CSS caret-color

    The `caret-color` property allows the color to be set of the caret (blinking text insertion pointer) in an editable text area.

  3. CSS print-color-adjust

    The `print-color-adjust` (or `-webkit-print-color-adjust` as prefixed in WebKit/Blink browsers) property is a CSS extension that can be used to force printing of background colors and images.

  4. CSS color() function

    The CSS `color()` function allows the browser to display colors in any color space, such as the P3 color space which can display colors outside of the default sRGB color space.

  5. CSS font-palette

    The font-palette CSS property allows selecting a palette from a color font. In combination with the `@font-palette-values` at-rule, custom palettes can be defined.

  6. CSS Gradients

    Method of defining a linear or radial color gradient as a CSS image.

  7. CSS Relative colors

    The CSS Relative Color syntax allows a color to be defined relative to another color using the `from` keyword and optionally `calc()` for any of the color values.

  8. #rrggbbaa hex color notation

    The CSS Color Module Level 4 defines new 4 & 8 character hex notation for color to include the opacity level.

  9. CSS scrollbar styling

    Methods of styling scrollbars' color and width.

  10. CSS3 attr() function for all properties

    While `attr()` is supported for effectively all browsers for the `content` property, CSS Values and Units Level 5 adds the ability to use `attr()` on **any** CSS property, and to use it for non-string values (e.g. numbers, colors).

  11. CSS3 Colors

    Method of describing colors using Hue, Saturation and Lightness (hsl()) rather than just RGB, as well as allowing alpha-transparency with rgba() and hsla().

  12. CSS currentColor value

    A CSS value that will apply the existing `color` value to other properties like `background-color`, etc.

  13. CSS outline properties

    The CSS outline properties draw a border around an element that does not affect layout, making it ideal for highlighting. This covers the `outline` shorthand, as well as `outline-width`, `outline-style`, `outline-color` and `outline-offset`.

  14. CSS text-stroke and text-fill

    Method of declaring the outline (stroke) width and color for text.

  15. css property: accent-color

  16. css property: accent-color: auto

  17. css property: background-color

  18. css property: border-block-color

  19. css property: border-bottom-color

  20. css property: border-color

  21. css property: border-inline-color

  22. css property: border-left-color

  23. css property: border-right-color

  24. css property: border-top-color

  25. css property: color-adjust

  26. css property: color-interpolation

  27. css property: color-interpolation-filters

  28. css property: color-interpolation-filters: auto

  29. css property: color-interpolation-filters: linearrgb

  30. css property: color-interpolation-filters: srgb

  31. css property: color-interpolation: `lineargradient` value

  32. css property: color-interpolation: `srgb` value

  33. css property: color-scheme

  34. css property: color-scheme: `only dark` keyword

  35. css property: color-scheme: `only light` keyword

  36. css property: column-rule-color

  37. css property: flood-color

  38. css property: forced-color-adjust

  39. css property: lighting-color

  40. css property: outline-color

  41. css property: print-color-adjust

  42. css property: scrollbar-arrow-color

  43. css property: scrollbar-base-color

  44. css property: scrollbar-color

  45. css property: scrollbar-color: auto

  46. css property: scrollbar-face-color

  47. css property: stop-color

  48. css property: stroke-color

  49. css property: text-emphasis-color

  50. css selector: `::-moz-color-swatch`