Passive event listeners

- LS

Event listeners created with the passive: true option cannot cancel (preventDefault()) the events they receive. Primarily intended to be used with touch events and wheel events. Since they cannot prevent scrolls, passive event listeners allow the browser to perform optimizations that result in smoother scrolling.


  1. 4 - 50: Not supported
  2. 51 - 127: Supported
  3. 128: Supported
  4. 129 - 131: Supported


  1. 12 - 15: Not supported
  2. 16 - 127: Supported
  3. 128: Supported


  1. 3.1 - 9.1: Not supported
  2. 10 - 17.5: Supported
  3. 17.6: Supported
  4. 18.0 - TP: Supported


  1. 2 - 48: Not supported
  2. 49 - 129: Supported
  3. 130: Supported
  4. 131 - 133: Supported


  1. 9 - 37: Not supported
  2. 38 - 110: Supported
  3. 111: Supported


  1. 5.5 - 10: Not supported
  2. 11: Not supported

Chrome for Android

  1. 128: Supported

Safari on iOS

  1. 3.2 - 9.3: Not supported
  2. 10 - 17.5: Supported
  3. 17.6: Supported
  4. 18.0: Supported

Samsung Internet

  1. 4: Not supported
  2. 5 - 24: Supported
  3. 25: Supported

Opera Mini

  1. all: Not supported

Opera Mobile

  1. 10 - 12.1: Not supported
  2. 80: Supported

UC Browser for Android

  1. 15.5: Supported

Android Browser

  1. 2.1 - 4.4.4: Not supported
  2. 128: Supported

Firefox for Android

  1. 127: Supported

QQ Browser

  1. 14.9: Supported

Baidu Browser

  1. 13.52: Supported

KaiOS Browser

  1. 2.5: Not supported
  2. 3: Supported
Improving scroll performance with passive event listeners - Google Developers Updates
Original WICG EventListenerOptions repository
Polyfill from the WICG
JS Bin testcase