Suggestion | Votes |
1. Add HTTP 103 Early Hints | 54 |
2. css/svg property dominant-baseline | 43 |
3. Suggestion: MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported supported types/codecs | 40 |
4. + WASM SIMD | 33 |
5. Entries for href values including `tel:1234567` and `sms:1234567` | 32 |
6. TLS ECH (Encrypted Client Hello), formerly known as ESNI (Encrypted Server Name Indication) | 32 |
7. WebExtensions (browser extensions) | 31 |
8. Add support for DNS RRs, like HTTPS and SVCB | 30 |
9. Hyphenation Options | 27 |
10. Can I use Reporting API | 25 |
11. CSS3 module "Generated Content for Paged Media" and especially the target-counter function | 25 |
12. Add WebDriver | 25 |
13. Show Support for JSON Modules | 24 |
14. JavaScript: Tail Call Support information missing | 23 |
15. Priority hints API | 23 |
16. Add ES7/2016 SIMD | 21 |
17. border-corner-shape | 21 |
18. XSLT Support table | 21 |
19. I suggest adding statistics for Aural style sheets which contain CSS properties such as "speak.... | 21 |
20. External import maps | 21 |
21. Add CSS property `caret-shape` and shorthand `caret` | 20 |
22. Add CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3 (Masonry!) | 20 |
23. New feature: CSS Typed Object Model (CSS Typed OM) | 20 |
24. Native HTML Switches | 19 |
25. device-cmyk css feature | 19 |
26. Add CSS `field-sizing` (previously `form-sizing`) | 18 |
27. Support constructible stylesheets / adoptedStyleSheets | 18 |
28. Page Lifecycle API | 17 |
29. Geo URI scheme | 16 |
30. Add ShadowRealm API | 16 |
31. Check browser support for displaying MJPEG files. This is a motion JPEG file format that is supporte... | 15 |
32. ElementInternals/form-associated custom element | 15 |
33. `content: leader('.');` | 15 |
34. Support Intrinsic Size Attribute | 15 |
35. SVGZ-specific support table since iOS < 4.2 doesn't support it, but does support SVG. Not su... | 15 |
36. Add Webassembly Threads / Threaded Webassembly | 14 |
37. Add the Popover API (ex: Pop Up API aka. the `popup` attribute plus more) | 13 |
38. New feature request: OCSP must-staple | 13 |
39. Color Fonts including SVG-in-OT fonts | 13 |
40. input-security | 13 |
41. Async iterators / for await of | 13 |
42. I suggest support for TransferableObject types (of which there are several) | 13 |
43. Add Web Share Target API | 12 |
44. Soft hyphen: html entity ­ | 12 |
45. Support for SVG's "shape-rendering" CSS property. | 12 |
46. Add the `<search>` element | 11 |
47. Add WebRTC insertable streams | 11 |
48. Page-margin boxes (@top-center, etc) | 11 |
49. Add float: footnote to CSS3 | 11 |
50. Add the Quite OK Image Format (QOI) …maybe eventually | 11 |
51. Add "outline follows border-radius" | 11 |
52. CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 | 11 |
53. Add caniuse data for Contact Picker API | 11 |
54. CSS3 Speech Module Which browsers support it? See | 11 |
55. webcl? | 11 |
56. webM alpha transparency | 11 |
57. Add Web Share Level 2 | 10 |
58. Badging API | 10 |
59. SVG viewport-fill property support | 10 |
60. queueMicrotask support | 10 |
61. Progressive JPEGs start to show on pages faster, from low quality and eventually getting their 100% ... | 10 |
62. one-time-code | 10 |
63. Add CSS Custom Highlight API | 10 |
64. @font-face descriptors to override font metrics | 10 |
65. Add `WebOTP` to list of apis | 10 |
66. Support CSS two-value display syntax | 10 |
67. Track Intl.Segmenter | 10 |
68. Add Report-To API (Intervention Reports) | 10 |
69. Include `baseline-shift` CSS property | 10 |
70. caniuse : Constructable Stylesheet | 10 |
71. Add: Webassembly Garbage Collection | 10 |
72. CSS 3 property: text-autospace and text-spacing | 9 |
73. Cookies: max-age | 9 |
74. Tiff image format | 9 |
75. HTTP2 Server Push | 9 |
76. Add supported elliptical curves (HTTPS/TLS) | 9 |
77. Add CSS animation timing function spring() | 9 |
78. Quota Management API | 9 |
79. List support for the window.fetch keepalive option | 9 |
80. Add SVG `use` with external reference | 9 |
81. SVG viewport-fill-opacity property support | 9 |
82. Add Versatile Video Coding (VVC) … somewhen | 8 |
83. User-Agent Client Hints (UA-CH) | 8 |
84. Add CSS property -- `object-view-box` | 8 |
85. Add support for @starting-style rule | 8 |
86. Add text-wrap: pretty | 8 |
87. Add "HDR AVIF" image support | 8 |
88. [Request] Please add Web Assembly Garbage Collection (WasmGC) | 8 |
89. WebGL extensions | 8 |
90. input[autocomplete] (values besides on/off) | 8 |
91. Feature: Origin-bound one-time codes delivered via SMS | 7 |
92. Add 'require-sri-for' CSP Directive | 7 |
93. Please add "isInputPending()" | 7 |
94. Secure Cookie flag | 7 |
95. RFC7692 Compression Extensions for WebSocket | 7 |
96. This regards adding support for the navigator.userAgentData | 7 |
97. Audio codec - xHE-AAC / USAC | 7 |
98. autocorrect for input fileds | 7 |
99. Add support for Private State Tokens | 7 |
100. New feature request: x25519 Key Exchange | 7 |
101. Support for the frame-ancestors directive | 7 |
102. -ms-overflow-style | 7 |
103. HTML Modules | 7 |
104. Add `multipart/x-mixed-replace` | 7 |
105. Add `WebSocketStream` API | 7 |
106. Alt-Svc header browser support info: consider adding | 7 |
107. Cannot see |ImageCapture| entry in the web interface. | 6 |
108. Add Web Share Target API Level 2 | 6 |
109. Add tracking for Explicit Resource Management (`using` and `await using`) | 6 |
110. CSS tag {content: url()} | 6 |
111. Add the `:modal` pseudo-class | 6 |
112. new CSS trigonometry functions | 6 |
113. Add Fetch upload streaming | 6 |
114. Embedded color profiles in JPEG images. | 6 |
115. Window Placement API | 6 |
116. Add ECC certificates | 6 |
117. Add Web Neural Network (WebNN) | 6 |
118. add Accessibility Object Model | 6 |
119. MediaStream Image Capture | 6 |
120. Accelerated Shape Detection in Images | 6 |
121. USDZ file format | 6 |
122. Add `enterkeyhint` attribute ("Enter Key Hint") | 6 |
123. Add System Colors item | 6 |
124. CanIUse OpenSearch | 6 |
125. Add support for iterator helpers | 6 |
126. WebCrypto Key Discovery | 6 |
127. Add autocorrect, autocapitalize, autocomplete attributes | 6 |
128. Support for MHTML | 6 |
129. Flag storage that is not available under private mode | 6 |
130. Geofencing API | 6 |
131. Module Worker support | 6 |
132. Support 'name' attribute on <details> ("Accordion pattern using name attribute on <details> elements") | 6 |
133. Observable | 6 |
134. Add Intl.DurationFormat | 5 |
135. CSS Round Display | 5 |
136. Add raw sockets API | 5 |
137. add window-inactive pseudo-class | 5 |
138. Payment Handler API | 5 |
139. Popover API | 5 |
140. Add tracking for "Ultra HDR JPG" | 5 |
141. navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered and .unregisterProtocolHandler | 5 |
142. Input Events Level 1 and 2 | 5 |
143. Adding Khronos gITF 2.0 for 3D models | 5 |
144. mediagroup content attribute, MediaController object, VideoTrackList, AudioTrackList objects | 5 |
145. Support individual CSP rules | 5 |
146. Add CSS Values and Units Module Level 4 Mathematical Expressions | 5 |
147. Global Privacy Control (GPC) "Sec-GPC" HTTP header | 5 |
148. roundRect | 5 |
149. CSS Shaders - | 5 |
150. Add the `<model>` element | 5 |
151. Add supports() queries on @import | 5 |
152. webp2 support | 5 |
153. TCP Fast-Open. Now that Linux kernels enable this by default (and web servers likely won't be ... | 5 |
154. Input type=email with "multiple" attribute | 5 |
155. Add HTTP method: QUERY | 5 |
156. JS Self-Profiling API | 5 |
157. Tracking various WebAuthn features | 5 |
158. HTTP Strict Transport Security Preload | 5 |
159. Add support tables for document.documentElement.clientWidth | 5 |
160. Add "page based counters" | 5 |
161. Add info about css user-modify and -webkit-user-modify:read-write-plaintext-only | 5 |
162. Feature: A Well-Known URL for Changing Passwords | 5 |
163. Please track the various HTTP Set-Cookie options supported by browsers | 5 |
164. Add font-palette-values | 5 |
165. Bundled HTTP Exchanges | 5 |
166. audio / video autoplay attribute and play function | 5 |
167. Add Incremental Font Transfer | 5 |
168. Add Intl.DisplayNames | 4 |
169. SameParty cookie attribute | 4 |
170. Add IPFS (Interplanetary File System) protocol to Caniuse | 4 |
171. Add meta "format-detection" | 4 |
172. Add the HTML focusgroup attribute | 4 |
173. Accessibility of in-browser PDF Viewer | 4 |
174. Support aria-hidden html property | 4 |
175. Support for Digital Goods API | 4 |
176. Graphite font support | 4 |
177. Screen Capture | 4 |
178. Support information for horizontal-viewport-segments and vertical-viewport-segments | 4 |
179. File Handling API | 4 |
180. Add Local Font Access API | 4 |
181. Add Cookie Store API | 4 |
182. Web locks | 4 |
183. webkit-calendar-picker-indicator | 4 |
184. ::-webkit-file-upload-button | 4 |
185. Snap Events: scrollsnapchange and scrollsnapchanging | 4 |
186. Add Invokers, currently `invoketarget` & `invokeaction` | 4 |
187. Support for Geometry Property (SVG 2.0) `r` in CSS | 4 |
188. The !important css thing. It's very !important ;). | 4 |
189. Support SVG width/height = auto | 4 |
190. filename*=UTF-8''... | 4 |
191. CSS image() functional notation (e.g. for background-images etc). See | 4 |
192. documentMode | 4 |
193. [CSS Level 4 pseudo-class] :user-error | 4 |
194. New top level domains (TLD) | 4 |
195. Arithmetic coded JPEG support | 4 |
196. Add support for passwordrules input attribute | 4 |
197. For printing support for the size:landscape option to tell the browser what page orientation we want... | 4 |
198. Support the W3 Web Annotation standard (W3C Recommendation) | 4 |
199. WebP & AVIF favicons | 4 |
200. SVG sprites with <symbol> and <use> | 4 |
201. Add Media Session API Coverage Information | 4 |
202. Cache-Control | 4 |
203. CSS multicol data is mixed with fragmentation | 3 |
204. Add "Responsive Video" aka. `media` attribute for `<source>` element in `<video>` | 3 |
205. Add server-timing as a trailer | 3 |
206. Add `dynamic-range` media query | 3 |
207. display: table-caption? | 3 |
208. Support new global attribute: writingsuggestions | 3 |
209. Add "CICP in images" | 3 |
210. Private Click Measurement (PCM) | 3 |
211. Add support for HTTP header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies | 3 |
212. No information about the `unselectable` HTML attribute. | 3 |
213. Add information for the webcal and webcals protocols for subscribing to iCalendars | 3 |
214. New browser feature: rest/spread in object literals | 3 |
215. justify-content: space-around | 3 |
216. CSS view-timeline supports | 3 |
217. Add gRPC support | 3 |
218. X25519Kyber768 Hybrid Post-Quantum Key Exchange for HTTPS | 3 |
219. The "auto" value for the dir attribute, added in HTML5 to ease inserting text of unknown d... | 3 |
220. ECMAscript - static properties | 3 |
221. Video media in image contexts | 3 |
222. Add support for requestSubmit | 3 |
223. Web bundles | 3 |
224. Missing feature: Clipboard API supported mimetypes | 3 |
225. place-items shorthand for justify and align | 3 |
226. Content-Security-Policy: script-nonce | 3 |
227. Can I Use m4a? | 3 |
228. add iframe.csp | 3 |
229. Public class properties | 3 |
230. video codecs | 3 |
231. Add Wide Color Gamut in 2D Canvas | 3 |
232. Show ANSI escape code for console.log. | 3 |
233. Add "Window Controls Overlay" | 3 |
234. Support for CSS3 background-repeat-x and background-repeat-y properties | 3 |
235. Add support for addHitRegion | 3 |
236. getEventListeners not listed | 3 |
237. Add 'animated GIF as favicon'? | 3 |
238. Add CSS4 Grid structural selectors | 2 |
239. Basic Authentication: AuthName directive | 2 |
240. add secure payment confirmation (W3C) | 2 |
241. rel="ar" support | 2 |
242. Add the Javascript double asterisk power operator (**) to the list of supported features | 2 |
243. Can I use X3D? | 2 |
244. onerror event on iframe | 2 |
245. Track adoption of DOMFrameContentLoaded event | 2 |
246. CSS word-break: 'auto-phrase' and 'manual' | 2 |
247. Animating SVG paths using CSS | 2 |
248. HTTP Trailers | 2 |
249. Add VisualViewport.segments support data | 2 |
250. Drag and Drop API - ghost image with customizable opacity | 2 |
251. Add information on context-stroke and context-fill | 2 |
252. Add Integrated Windows Authentication | 2 |
253. Let's add a page for box alignment | 2 |
254. Input type=range with "multiple" attribute | 2 |
255. x-webkit-speech | 2 |
256. Add TPG image file format | 2 |
257. Add CMYK Color Space | 2 |
258. Add Container Units aka. Container Relative Lengths | 2 |
259. Add browser support for toggle() | 2 |
260. Bitmap images inside SVG files. Some browsers that support SVG, will not show embedded bitmap image... | 2 |
261. What about showing support for various link attributes, like "subresource" or "dns-pr... | 2 |
262. Please add more detailed WebRTC features | 2 |
263. add RTSP and RTSP 2.0 (Real Time Streaming Protocol) | 2 |
264. stroke-linejoin support | 2 |
265. Touch Icons (apple-touch-icon) | 2 |
266. Show which browsers have a native CSV viewer | 2 |
267. Add Date.prototype.toTemporalInstant() | 2 |
268. Load event support on link nodes to show when a stylesheet is finished loading. See for a discussio... | 2 |
269. track support for the media query feature -ms-high-contrast | 2 |
270. "GeometryUtils" - part of the CSSOM. Provides much better position information than existi... | 2 |
271. UTF-8 Dingbats | 2 |
272. WebXR Hand Input Module - Level 1 | 2 |
273. Request: nav-up, nav-down, nav-left, nav-right css3 properties | 2 |
274. Support for hrefTranslate | 2 |
275. Metadata name: MobileOptimized | 2 |
276. Metadata name: HandheldFriendly | 2 |
277. Support of sms: and mms: in mobile browsers is not clear | 2 |
278. `from-image` as initial value of `image-orientation` | 2 |
279. support destructuring assignment as separate es feature | 2 |
280. Add chrome.webrequests | 2 |
281. Add `::target-text` (from CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4) | 2 |
282. Add Geolocation Sensor | 2 |
283. <semantics> element in MathML is not found in | 2 |
284. CSS touch-action level 2 values | 2 |
285. DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) | 2 |
286. Tooltip display on focus | 2 |
287. SSML | 2 |
288. Support KV Storage build-in module | 2 |
289. HTTP immutable responses | 2 |
290. EventTarget Constructor | 2 |
291. IPv6 support in web browsers | 2 |
292. Directional focus navigation: the nav-up, nav-right, nav-down, nav-left properties | 2 |
293. Storage Access API | 2 |
294. Add PNG cursor | 2 |
295. String.prototype.split() with a regex with grouping ( parentheses ). | 2 |
296. Spatial Navigation support | 2 |
297. Support Experimental "ES Pipe Operator (|>)" | 2 |
298. console.assert(boolean_expression) | 2 |
299. srcset/sizes attribute / picture element support in SVG | 2 |
300. Add auto-expand `<details>` for find-in-page and fragment navigations | 2 |
301. add "unicode property escapes" | 2 |
302. SharedMemory/Atomics | 2 |
303. Add app-region? | 2 |
304. text-space-collapse | 2 |
305. Loading Signed Exchanges | 2 |
306. dns.resolve | 2 |
307. Add block-step-size property for CSS | 2 |
308. Device-Memory Client Hint & navigator.deviceMemory JS API | 2 |
309. Need full 3gp browser compatibility chart.Does it chrome browser supports 3gp format | 2 |
310. getFilesAndDirectories | 2 |
311. A new page for Grid track animation should be added | 2 |
312. Wildcard "*" support for Access-Control-Allow-Headers/Methods | 2 |
313. Add HTTP_ORIGIN feature | 2 |
314. add captureVisibleTab | 2 |
315. SVG symbols in CSS | 2 |
316. SVG image auto height | 2 |
317. add csp lv2 violation event | 2 |
318. setTimeout and setInterval callback parameters | 2 |
319. Add "Scheduled Task API" | 2 |
320. Add CSS `@property` | 1 |
321. Support for CSS Color Module Level 5 | 1 |
322. Suggestion: @font-face src OpenType collection support | 1 |
323. MPNG | 1 |
324. Web monetization | 1 |
325. Add URL.canParse() | 1 |
326. Add Web Translation API …maybe eventually | 1 |
327. Add selection.getComposedRange() feature check | 1 |
328. CSS property media-controls-panel | 1 |
329. Please add support data for "CSS property: clip-path: inset()". Thank you! | 1 |
330. CAA DNS record | 1 |
331. Add Web Preferences API …maybe eventually | 1 |
332. SVG 2: inline-size property for text | 1 |
333. Add WebDriver BiDi | 1 |
334. viewport meta tag | 1 |
335. Track the status of the JavaScript Promise Integration specification | 1 |
336. WebSerial | 1 |
337. Add Change Array by Copy methods | 1 |
338. Feature request: tc39 Explicit Resource Management | 1 |
339. Add Gradient Interpolation Color Spaces | 1 |
340. Adding Managed Media Source | 1 |
341. Add tracking for ASTC hdr profile | 1 |
342. Add `PWA file handlers` | 1 |
343. Add "Scoped Custom Element Registry" as it is now behind an experimental feature flag in Chrome | 1 |
344. Add CSS Toggles …maybe eventually | 1 |
345. X.509 Name Constraints | 1 |
346. sec-ch-prefers headers | 1 |
347. Sec-Ch-wow64 | 1 |
348. Add Web MIDI 2.0 …maybe eventually | 1 |
349. Audio format: AC-3, eac3 | 1 |
350. Add Background Blur API | 1 |
351. 'font-size' descriptor for '@font-face' | 1 |
352. viewport-fit | 1 |
353. Add "method of opting into following the visual order", currently `focus-order` …maybe eventually | 1 |
354. Add CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 2 | 1 |
355. Add `target="_new"` | 1 |
356. Content-Security-Policy: navigate-to | 1 |
357. Support of webkitAudioDecodedByteCount | 1 |
358. Add `font-variant-emoji` | 1 |
359. Add Capture Handle | 1 |
360. CSS generated images: Stripes | 1 |
361. Opus: Need data for MP4 and WebM containers | 1 |
362. Browser support for Running elements | 1 |
363. Add `new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().hour12` | 1 |
364. TLS Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) | 1 |
365. Playback of videos with alpha channel | 1 |
366. Add tech() function support (in @font-face src) | 1 |
367. Add Payment Request API 1.1 | 1 |
368. Add variable units | 1 |
369. Add IndexedDB 3.0 | 1 |
370. Add `blocking=render` | 1 |
371. Support HTJ2K | 1 |
372. import reflection for WASM | 1 |
373. Add `@font-feature-values` | 1 |
374. View Transitions Module Level 2 | 1 |
375. prefers-reduced-transparency CSS Media Query | 1 |
376. mediacapture-region | 1 |
377. Please add TLS certificate algorithms to caniuse | 1 |
378. Add Memory64 browser feature | 1 |
379. Add optional type syntax for JavaScript …maybe eventually | 1 |
380. Add `Notification.prototype.showTrigger️` | 1 |
381. 32-bit HDR PNG | 1 |
382. Add Notification Triggers | 1 |
383. CSS3 new text-transform keywords | 1 |
384. Add compatibility data for QuickTime video format | 1 |
385. SHA1 certificates | 1 |
386. string-set | 1 |
387. Internationalized Domain Name | 1 |
388. column combination | 1 |
389. SHA2 certificates | 1 |
390. event.path | 1 |
391. Add "Named function expressions" | 1 |
392. Open search autodiscovery | 1 |
393. add mouse event positions event.offsetX and event.offsetY | 1 |
394. reflected-xss missing | 1 |
395. Add XSL to caniuse | 1 |
396. Add support for CSS3 move-to property | 1 |
397. Missing `StorageQuota` support | 1 |
398. aria-labelledby | 1 |
399. Add support for the HTTP header X-Download-Options | 1 |
400. document type | 1 |
401. add micropub | 1 |
402. support data suggestion: DOM event constructors ? | 1 |
403. [Suggestion] display: fullscreen | 1 |
404. Add High Resolution Time Level 3 | 1 |
405. Add css-timing | 1 |
406. aria-current | 1 |
407. add aria-required to caniuse, if not already there | 1 |
408. URLSearchParams.prototype.sort | 1 |
409. Add "Controlling Font Display Per Font-Family via @font-feature-values" | 1 |
410. Please add support for supported x509 extensions for ʜᴛᴛᴘꜱ certificates | 1 |
411. Chained selectors | 1 |
412. Javascript pseudoprotocol | 1 |
413. Browser support for displaying the unicode block "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols" | 1 |
414. Support for Unicode and spaces in URL | 1 |
415. Add box-suppress | 1 |
416. Add Range.getBoundingClientRect browser support table | 1 |
417. HTTP Content-encoding: LZFSE | 1 |
418. IETF RFCs | 1 |
419. I suggest adding information about support for alternate HTTP methods such as PUT and PATCH. | 1 |
420. Textarea wrap attribute (off, soft, hard, virtual, physical) | 1 |
421. Support for XPath 2.0 (interesting for a lot of new functions, like base-uri(), matches() etc.) | 1 |
422. <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> | 1 |
423. accesskey attribute on non-focusable elements (should cause a click element to fire | 1 |
424. MediaStream Recording ( | 1 |
425. The hanging-punctuation property: Currently unsupported by any browser, but it would be nice to ... | 1 |
426. image-resolution. I've seen this as a good alternative for retina images as opposed to backgro... | 1 |
427. script tag onerror attribute | 1 |
428. Suggestion for Which browsers.versions support multiple tbody elements in a single table? | 1 |
429. create @Media Types | 1 |
430. longdesc attribute support | 1 |
431. CSS Inline Layout | 1 |
432. Feature request: Token Binding Protocol | 1 |
433. DeviceOrientation and DeviceMotion events on insecure origins | 1 |
434. add onstorage | 1 |
435. Add WebKit Tap Highlight Color (-webkit-tap-highlight-color)? | 1 |
436. Add windows-theme media query selector | 1 |
437. window.localMediaStream is not listed | 1 |
438. The xml:space attribute | 1 |
439. show support for namespacing; for example <svg: namespace | 1 |
440. Add method | 1 |
441. browserconfig.xml support info | 1 |
442. request support for 'accept-charset' | 1 |
443. add CSS Extensions meant for renaming | 1 |
444. Add a footnote regarding HTMLAudioElement | 1 |
445. Support info for the <track> element | 1 |
446. Drag and Drop API - move constraints | 1 |
447. Audio Output Devices API: wd | 1 |
448. Support data for Unicode flag on HTML pattern attribute | 1 |
449. Suggestion: support for margin-collapse? | 1 |
450. Add MathML Core | 1 |
451. Add support information for font metric override descriptors | 1 |
452. x-webkit-airplay | 1 |
453. What is the browser support for the newly proposed "page-orientation" property? | 1 |
454. Add layout-instability support | 1 |
455. Information about WavPack audio format | 1 |
456. InsertKey Behaviour Overwrite/Normal Mode | 1 |
457. Add support for svg fill-rule | 1 |
458. CMAF | 1 |
459. css animation on “content:” - works on chrome, doesn't work on Safari and Firefox | 1 |
460. Adding contain-intrinsic-size (suggestion) | 1 |
461. Streams API: transferable streams | 1 |
462. iframe disallowdocumentaccess property | 1 |
463. performance.measureMemory() | 1 |
464. auto Picture-in-Picture | 1 |
465. bidi algorithm (for right-to-left Unicode characters) | 1 |
466. @top-left @bottom-center ? can you test for compatibility | 1 |
467. FLoC support | 1 |
468. Add `::-webkit-details-marker` | 1 |
469. Add: "color" and "background-color" CSS on <option> elements | 1 |
470. Add URL Protocol Handler Registration for PWAs | 1 |
471. requestPostAnimationFrame browser support? | 1 |
472. E4X: ECMAScript for XML | 1 |
473. Add `media` attribute for `<meta>` element (for `<meta name="theme-color">`) | 1 |
474. Add "specifying a color profile: the `@color-profile` at-rule" | 1 |
475. missing HTTP TRACE method | 1 |
476. Add entry for DTLS 1.3 | 1 |
477. Can you please add the Stack trace API that exists in V8 | 1 |
478. stroke-linecap support | 1 |
479. nested calc() and var() | 1 |
480. feature request: video/MP2T | 1 |
481. Add Support for MPEG-4 Part 2 SP/ASP | 1 |
482. Add desynchronized (low latency canvas contexts) | 1 |
483. Add: Tracking Preference Expression APIs | 1 |
484. Add page for relative path in HTTP Location | 1 |
485. Missing computed property names | 1 |
486. Character-based alignment in a table column using text-align | 1 |
487. [Feature Policy: sub-feature] Sandbox features | 1 |
488. window.watchMedia() | 1 |
489. Add compatibility for FormData | 1 |
490. Add H2 ORIGIN frame support | 1 |
491. Add a matrix entyre for opentype-with-cff2 | 1 |
492. Support for Service Worker Life Cycle Events | 1 |
493. Suggested addition: navigator.cpuClass | 1 |
494. online/offline can also be used as events and are not covered by (only boolean property is covered) | 1 |
495. Report Retry-After header support | 1 |
496. date.toLocaleString support tracking plz? | 1 |
497. https mixed mode | 1 |
498. OfflineAudioContext | 1 |
499. Clean up css-touch-action | 1 |
500. DownloadURL | 1 |
501. Use of es6 import statements in workers | 1 |
502. line-height support and the differences in rendering between webkit&trident and other engines. | 1 |
503. step property of input field with type datetime-local and time | 1 |
504. please add the onsearch event | 1 |
505. supported-color-schemes & prefers-color-scheme | 1 |
506. <object>.contentWindow Support | 1 |
507. Refresh | 1 |
508. How to show support for font-variation-settings within @font-face? | 1 |
509. The event handler window.onscroll is missing | 1 |
510. baseline-middle | 1 |
511. Please add JavaScript string functions trimStart, trimEnd, trimRight, trimLeft | 1 |
512. Support for calc() in polygon and other shapes | 1 |
513. Request: IPv6 proxy functions (myIpAddressEx and friends) | 1 |
514. Add Isolated Web Apps (IWAs) | 1 |