1. CSS all property

    A shorthand property for resetting all CSS properties except for `direction` and `unicode-bidi`.

  2. CSS font-display

    `@font-face` descriptor `font-display` that allows control over how a downloadable font renders before it is fully loaded.

  3. CSS hanging-punctuation

    Allows some punctuation characters from start (or the end) of text elements to be placed "outside" of the box in order to preserve the reading flow.

  4. CSS3 attr() function for all properties

    While `attr()` is supported for effectively all browsers for the `content` property, CSS Values and Units Level 5 adds the ability to use `attr()` on **any** CSS property, and to use it for non-string values (e.g. numbers, colors).

  5. Feature Policy

    This specification defines a mechanism that allows developers to selectively enable and disable use of various browser features and APIs. Feature Policy is deprecated and has been replaced with [Permissions Policy](/permissions-policy) and [Document Policy](/document-policy).

  6. CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

    Method of positioning elements in horizontal or vertical stacks. Support includes all properties prefixed with `flex`, as well as `display: flex`, `display: inline-flex`, `align-content`, `align-items`, `align-self`, `justify-content` and `order`.

  7. Permissions Policy

    A security mechanism that allows developers to explicitly enable or disable various powerful browser features for a given site. Similar to [Document Policy](/document-policy).

  8. Promise.prototype.finally

    When the promise is settled, whether fulfilled or rejected, the specified callback function is executed.

  9. requestIdleCallback

    API allowing the execution of JavaScript to be queued to run in idle browser time, either at the end of a frame or when the user is inactive. Also covers support for `cancelIdleCallback`. The API has similarities with `requestAnimationFrame`.

  10. WebUSB

    Allows communication with devices via USB (Universal Serial Bus).

  11. CSS3 word-break

    Property to prevent or allow words to be broken over multiple lines between letters.

  12. audiodata api: allocationsize

  13. document api: all

  14. featurepolicy api: allowedfeatures

  15. featurepolicy api: allowsfeature

  16. htmlfencedframeelement api: allow

  17. htmliframeelement api: allow

  18. htmliframeelement api: allowfullscreen

  19. htmliframeelement api: allowpaymentrequest

  20. videoframe api: allocationsize

  21. css property: column-span: all

  22. css property: cursor: all-scroll

  23. css property: cursor: not-allowed

  24. css property: font-variant-caps: all-petite-caps

  25. css property: hanging-punctuation: allow-end

  26. css property: text-decoration-skip-ink: all

  27. css property: timeline-scope: all

  28. css property: transition-property: all

  29. css property: user-select: all

  30. css selector: `:fullscreen`: select all elements in the fullscreen stack

  31. css selector: `:hover`: all elements support

  32. html element: iframe: allow

  33. html element: iframe: allowfullscreen

  34. html element: iframe: allowpaymentrequest

  35. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-downloads"`

  36. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-forms"`

  37. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-modals"`

  38. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-popups"`

  39. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-scripts"`

  40. headers http header: access-control-allow-credentials

  41. headers http header: access-control-allow-headers

  42. headers http header: access-control-allow-headers: `authorization` header is not covered by wildcard

  43. headers http header: access-control-allow-headers: wildcard (`*`)

  44. headers http header: access-control-allow-methods

  45. headers http header: access-control-allow-methods: wildcard (`*`)

  46. headers http header: large-allocation

  47. headers http header: timing-allow-origin

  48. headers http header: x-frame-options: allow-from

  49. javascript built-in: promise: `all()`

  50. javascript built-in: promise: `allsettled()`