CSS Animation
Complex method of animating certain properties of an element
SVG SMIL animation
Method of using animation elements to animate SVG images
Web Animations API
Lets you create animations that are run in the browser, as well as inspect and manipulate animations created through declarative means like CSS.
XHTML+SMIL animation
Method of using SMIL animation in web pages
animation api
animationeffect api
animationeffect api: getcomputedtiming
animationeffect api: gettiming
animationeffect api: updatetiming
animationevent api
animationevent api: animationname
animationevent api: elapsedtime
animationevent api: pseudoelement
animationplaybackevent api
animationplaybackevent api: currenttime
animationplaybackevent api: timelinetime
animationtimeline api
animationtimeline api: currenttime
animationtimeline api: duration
animation api: cancel
animation api: `cancel` event
animation api: commitstyles
animation api: currenttime
animation api: effect
animation api: finish
animation api: finished
animation api: `finish` event
animation api: id
animation api: pause
animation api: pending
animation api: persist
animation api: play
animation api: playbackrate
animation api: playstate
animation api: ready
animation api: `remove` event
animation api: browsers automatically remove indefinite filling animations
animation api: replacestate
animation api: reverse
animation api: starttime
animation api: timeline
animation api: updateplaybackrate
css property: animation-delay
css property: animation-direction
css property: animation-duration
css property: animation-fill-mode
css property: animation-name
css property: animation-range
css property: animation-range-end
css property: animation-timeline
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