1. CSS3 Border images

    Method of using images for borders

  2. CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)

    Method of making the border corners round. Covers support for the shorthand `border-radius` as well as the long-hand properties (e.g. `border-top-left-radius`)

  3. CSS3 Box-sizing

    Method of specifying whether or not an element's borders and padding should be included in size units

  4. css property: border

  5. css property: border-block

  6. css property: border-block-color

  7. css property: border-block-end

  8. css property: border-block-start

  9. css property: border-block-style

  10. css property: border-block-width

  11. css property: border-bottom

  12. css property: border-bottom-color

  13. css property: border-bottom-style

  14. css property: border-bottom-width

  15. css property: border-collapse

  16. css property: border-color

  17. css property: border-image-outset

  18. css property: border-image-repeat

  19. css property: border-image-slice

  20. css property: border-image-source

  21. css property: border-image-width

  22. css property: border-image: fill

  23. css property: border-inline

  24. css property: border-inline-color

  25. css property: border-inline-end

  26. css property: border-inline-start

  27. css property: border-inline-style

  28. css property: border-inline-width

  29. css property: border-left

  30. css property: border-left-color

  31. css property: border-left-style

  32. css property: border-left-width

  33. css property: border-right

  34. css property: border-right-color

  35. css property: border-right-style

  36. css property: border-right-width

  37. css property: border-spacing

  38. css property: border-style

  39. css property: border-style: dashed

  40. css property: border-style: dotted

  41. css property: border-style: double

  42. css property: border-style: inset

  43. css property: border-style: none

  44. css property: border-style: ridge

  45. css property: border-style: solid

  46. css property: border-top

  47. css property: border-top-color

  48. css property: border-top-style

  49. css property: border-top-width

  50. css property: border-width