BroadcastChannel allows scripts from the same origin but other browsing contexts (windows, workers) to send each other messages.
Channel messaging
Method for having two-way communication between browsing contexts (using MessageChannel)
audionode api: channelcount
audionode api: channelcountmode
audionode api: channelinterpretation
channelmergernode api
channelmergernode api: `channelmergernode()` constructor
channelsplitternode api
channelsplitternode api: `channelsplitternode()` constructor
mediastreamtrack api: applyconstraints: `channelcount` constraint
messagechannel api: port1
messagechannel api: port2
rtcdatachannel api
rtcdatachannelevent api
rtcdatachannelevent api: channel
rtcdatachannel api: binarytype
rtcdatachannel api: binarytype: `blob` value
rtcdatachannel api: bufferedamount
rtcdatachannel api: bufferedamountlowthreshold
rtcdatachannel api: `bufferedamountlow` event
rtcdatachannel api: close
rtcdatachannel api: `close` event
rtcdatachannel api: `closing` event
rtcdatachannel api: `error` event
rtcdatachannel api: id
rtcdatachannel api: label
rtcdatachannel api: maxpacketlifetime
rtcdatachannel api: maxretransmits
rtcdatachannel api: `message` event
rtcdatachannel api: negotiated
rtcdatachannel api: `open` event
rtcdatachannel api: ordered
rtcdatachannel api: priority
rtcdatachannel api: protocol
rtcdatachannel api: readystate
rtcdatachannel api: reliable
rtcdatachannel api: send
rtcdatachannel api: transferable
rtcstatsreport api: `codec` stats: `channels` in 'codec' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `bytesreceived` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `bytessent` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `id` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `label` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `messagesreceived` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `messagessent` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `protocol` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `state` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `timestamp` in 'data-channel' stats
rtcstatsreport api: `data-channel` stats: `type` in 'data-channel' stats
50 results found.