COLR/CPAL(v0) Font Formats
The COLR table adds support for multi-colored glyphs in a manner that integrates with the rasterizers of existing text engines. COLRv0 only supports pure colors, does not support gradients, transformations and various blending modes.
COLR/CPAL(v1) Font Formats
COLRv1 is an improved version of COLRv0, this is also part of the OpenType specification. COLRv1 supports additional graphic capabilities. In addition to solid colors, gradient fills can be used, as well as more complex fills using other graphic operations, including affine transformations and various blending modes.
CSS font-palette
The font-palette CSS property allows selecting a palette from a color font. In combination with the `@font-palette-values` at-rule, custom palettes can be defined.
cssfontpalettevaluesrule api: overridecolors
htmlfontelement api: color
css at-rule: `@font-palette-values`: override-colors
html element: font: color
javascript built-in: string: fontcolor
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