1. Asynchronous Clipboard API

    A modern, asynchronous Clipboard API based on Promises

  2. Synchronous Clipboard API

    API to provide copy, cut and paste events as well as provide access to the OS clipboard.

  3. Resource Hints: modulepreload

    Using `<link rel="modulepreload">`, browsers can be informed to prefetch module scripts without having to execute them, allowing fine-grained control over when and how module resources are loaded.

  4. Resource Hints: preload

    Using `<link rel="preload">`, browsers can be informed to prefetch resources without having to execute them, allowing fine-grained control over when and how resources are loaded. Only the following `as` values are supported: fetch, image, font, script, style, track.

  5. Promise.prototype.finally

    When the promise is settled, whether fulfilled or rejected, the specified callback function is executed.

  6. requestIdleCallback

    API allowing the execution of JavaScript to be queued to run in idle browser time, either at the end of a frame or when the user is inactive. Also covers support for `cancelIdleCallback`. The API has similarities with `requestAnimationFrame`.

  7. document api: `afterscriptexecute` event

  8. document api: `beforescriptexecute` event

  9. document api: execcommand: `cut` command

  10. elementinternals api: ariakeyshortcuts

  11. element api: `afterscriptexecute` event

  12. element api: ariakeyshortcuts

  13. element api: `beforescriptexecute` event

  14. element api: `cut` event

  15. gpurenderpassencoder api: executebundles

  16. performancescripttiming api: executionstart

  17. manifest: shortcuts

  18. headers http header: clear-site-data: `"executioncontexts"`

  19. headers http header: content-security-policy: script-src: source expression allowing webassembly execution

  20. headers http header: permissions-policy: execution-while-not-rendered

  21. headers http header: permissions-policy: execution-while-out-of-viewport