1. CSS3 selectors

    Advanced element selection using selectors including: `[foo^="bar"]`, `[foo$="bar"]`, `[foo*="bar"]`, `:root`, `:nth-child()`, `:nth-last-child()`, `:nth-of-type()`, `:nth-last-of-type()`, `:last-child`, `:first-of-type`, `:last-of-type`, `:only-child`, `:only-of-type`, `:empty`, `:target`, `:enabled`, `:disabled`, `:checked`, `:not()`, `~` (general sibling)

  2. selection api: `empty()` as alias of `removeallranges()`

  3. trustedtypepolicyfactory api: emptyhtml

  4. trustedtypepolicyfactory api: emptyscript

  5. css property: empty-cells

  6. css selector: `:empty`

  7. css selector: `:empty`: matches elements with whitespace

  8. javascript built-in: regexp: source: "(?:)" for empty regexps

  9. javascript statement: empty statement (`;`)

  10. empty tag syntax: <>