A legacy `KeyboardEvent` property that gives the Unicode codepoint number of a character key pressed during a `keypress` event.
A `KeyboardEvent` property representing the physical key that was pressed, ignoring the keyboard layout and ignoring whether any modifier keys were active.
A legacy `KeyboardEvent` property that is equivalent to either `KeyboardEvent.keyCode` or `KeyboardEvent.charCode` depending on whether the key is alphanumeric.
unhandledrejection/rejectionhandled events
The `unhandledrejection` event is fired when a Promise is rejected but there is no rejection handler to deal with the rejection. The `rejectionhandled` event is fired when a Promise is rejected, and after the rejection is handled by the promise's rejection handling code.
audiodecoder api: `dequeue` event
audioencoder api: `dequeue` event
blobevent api: timecode
closeevent api: code
keyboardevent api: charcode
keyboardevent api: code
keyboardevent api: keycode
rtcpeerconnectioniceerrorevent api: errorcode
securitypolicyviolationevent api: statuscode
videodecoder api: `dequeue` event
videoencoder api: `dequeue` event
15 results found.