1. ui-serif, ui-sans-serif, ui-monospace and ui-rounded values for font-family

    Allows more control when choosing system interface fonts

  2. system-ui value for font-family

    Value for `font-family` that represents the default user interface font.

  3. cssfontfeaturevaluesrule api: fontfamily

  4. cssfontpalettevaluesrule api: fontfamily

  5. fontdata api: family

  6. fontface api: family

  7. css at-rule: `@font-face`: font-family

  8. css at-rule: `@font-palette-values`: font-family

  9. css property: font-family

  10. css property: font-family: math

  11. svg element: font-face: font-family

  12. global_attributes: font-family