1. #rrggbbaa hex color notation

    The CSS Color Module Level 4 defines new 4 & 8 character hex notation for color to include the opacity level.

  2. xpathexpression api

  3. xpathexpression api: evaluate

  4. css property: list-style-type: lower-hexadecimal

  5. css property: list-style-type: upper-hexadecimal

  6. types: <color>: rgb hexadecimal notation (`#rrggbb`, `#rgb`, …)

  7. types: <color>: rgb hexadecimal notation (`#rrggbb`, `#rgb`, …): rgba hexadecimal notation (`#rrggbbaa`, `#rgba`)

  8. grammar: hexadecimal escape sequences (`'\xa9'`)

  9. grammar: hexadecimal numeric literals (`0xaf`)