1. CSS overflow property

    Originally a single property for controlling overflowing content in both horizontal & vertical directions, the `overflow` property is now a shorthand for `overflow-x` & `overflow-y`. The latest version of the specification also introduces the `clip` value that blocks programmatic scrolling.

  2. Details & Summary elements

    The <details> element generates a simple no-JavaScript widget to show/hide element contents, optionally by clicking on its child <summary> element.

  3. hidden attribute

    The `hidden` attribute may be applied to any element, and effectively hides elements similar to `display: none` in CSS.

  4. PageTransitionEvent

    Fired at the Window when the page's entry in the session history stops being the current entry. Includes the `pageshow` and `pagehide` events.

  5. WebHID API

    Enables raw access to HID (Human Interface Device) commands for all connected HIDs. Previously, an HID could only be accessed if the browser had implemented a custom API for the specific device.

  6. console api: `dir()` static method: `options.showhidden` parameter

  7. document api: hidden

  8. elementinternals api: ariahidden

  9. element api: ariahidden

  10. hid api

  11. hidconnectionevent api

  12. hidconnectionevent api: device

  13. hidconnectionevent api: `hidconnectionevent()` constructor

  14. hiddevice api

  15. hiddevice api: close

  16. hiddevice api: collections

  17. hiddevice api: forget

  18. hiddevice api: `inputreport` event

  19. hiddevice api: open

  20. hiddevice api: opened

  21. hiddevice api: productid

  22. hiddevice api: productname

  23. hiddevice api: receivefeaturereport

  24. hiddevice api: sendfeaturereport

  25. hiddevice api: sendreport

  26. hiddevice api: vendorid

  27. hidinputreportevent api

  28. hidinputreportevent api: data

  29. hidinputreportevent api: device

  30. hidinputreportevent api: reportid

  31. hid api: `connect` event

  32. hid api: `disconnect` event

  33. hid api: getdevices

  34. hid api: requestdevice

  35. htmlelement api: hidden

  36. htmlelement api: hidepopover

  37. navigator api: hid

  38. virtualkeyboard api: hide

  39. window api: `pagehide` event

  40. css property: border-style: hidden

  41. css property: content-visibility: hidden

  42. css property: overflow-x: hidden

  43. css property: overflow-y: hidden

  44. css property: overflow: hidden

  45. css property: visibility: hidden

  46. html element: input: `type="hidden"`

  47. html attribute: hidden

  48. html attribute: hidden: `until-found` value

  49. html attribute: nonce: `nonce` hiding behavior

  50. headers http header: permissions-policy: hid