1. letter-spacing CSS property

    Controls spacing between characters of text (i.e. "tracking" in typographical terms). Not to be confused with kerning.

  2. CSS font-feature-settings

    Method of applying advanced typographic and language-specific font features to supported OpenType fonts.

  3. CSS3 font-kerning

    Controls the usage of the kerning information (spacing between letters) stored in the font. Note that this only affects OpenType fonts with kerning information, it has no effect on other fonts.

  4. High-quality kerning pairs & ligatures

    When used in HTML, the unofficial `text-rendering: optimizeLegibility` CSS property enables high-quality kerning and ligatures in certain browsers. Newer browsers have this behavior enabled by default.

  5. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: fontkerning

  6. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: fontkerning