1. CSS Logical Properties

    Logical properties and values provide control of layout through logical, rather than physical, direction and dimension mappings. These properties are `writing-mode` relative equivalents of their corresponding physical properties.

  2. CSS revert value

    A CSS keyword value that resets a property's value to the default specified by the browser in its UA stylesheet, as if the webpage had not included any CSS. For example, `display:revert` on a `<div>` would result in `display:block`. This is in contrast to the `initial` value, which is simply defined on a per-property basis, and for `display` would be `inline`.

  3. CSS outline properties

    The CSS outline properties draw a border around an element that does not affect layout, making it ideal for highlighting. This covers the `outline` shorthand, as well as `outline-width`, `outline-style`, `outline-color` and `outline-offset`.

  4. text-decoration styling

    Method of defining the type, style and color of lines in the text-decoration property. These can be defined as shorthand (e.g. `text-decoration: line-through dashed blue`) or as single properties (e.g. `text-decoration-color: blue`)

  5. textformat api: underlinestyle

  6. css property: border-inline-end-style

  7. css property: border-inline-start-style

  8. css property: border-inline-style

  9. css property: outline-style

  10. css property: outline-style: auto

  11. css property: outline-style: dashed

  12. css property: outline-style: dotted

  13. css property: outline-style: double

  14. css property: outline-style: groove

  15. css property: outline-style: inset

  16. css property: outline-style: none

  17. css property: outline-style: outset

  18. css property: outline-style: ridge

  19. css property: outline-style: solid

  20. types: line-style