::placeholder CSS pseudo-element
The ::placeholder pseudo-element represents placeholder text in an input field: text that represents the input and provides a hint to the user on how to fill out the form. For example, a date-input field might have the placeholder text `YYYY-MM-DD` to clarify that numeric dates are to be entered in year-month-day order.
:placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-class
Input elements can sometimes show placeholder text as a hint to the user on what to type in. See, for example, the placeholder attribute in HTML5. The :placeholder-shown pseudo-class matches an input element that is showing such placeholder text.
input placeholder attribute
Method of setting placeholder text for text-like input fields, to suggest the expected inserted information.
elementinternals api: ariaplaceholder
element api: ariaplaceholder
htmlinputelement api: placeholder
htmltextareaelement api: placeholder
css selector: `::placeholder`
css selector: `:placeholder-shown`: support on non-`type="text"` elements (such as `type="number"` or `type="time"`)
html element: input: placeholder
html element: textarea: placeholder
html element: textarea: placeholder: line breaks in `placeholder`
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