:indeterminate CSS pseudo-class
The `:indeterminate` pseudo-class matches indeterminate checkboxes, indeterminate `<progress>` bars, and radio buttons with no checked button in their radio button group.
CSS writing-mode property
Property to define whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically and the direction in which blocks progress.
ECMAScript Decorators are an in-progress proposal for extending JavaScript classes. Decorators use a special syntax, prefixed with an `@` symbol and placed immediately before the code being extended.
progress element
Method of indicating a progress state.
XMLHttpRequest advanced features
Updated functionality to the original XHR specification including things like file uploads, transfer progress information and the ability to send FormData. Previously known as [XMLHttpRequest Level 2](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-XMLHttpRequest-20120117/), these features now appear simply in the XMLHttpRequest spec.
backgroundfetchregistration api: `progress` event
filereader api: `progress` event
htmlmediaelement api: `progress` event
htmlprogresselement api
htmlprogresselement api: labels
htmlprogresselement api: max
htmlprogresselement api: position
htmlprogresselement api: value
progressevent api
progressevent api: lengthcomputable
progressevent api: loaded
progressevent api: `progressevent()` constructor
progressevent api: total
xmlhttprequestupload api: `progress` event
xmlhttprequest api: `progress` event
css property: -webkit-column-progression
css property: appearance: progress-bar
css property: cursor: progress
css property: direction: control direction of vertical range sliders, meters, and progress bars
css selector: `::-moz-progress-bar`
css selector: `::-moz-range-progress`
css selector: `::-webkit-progress-bar`
css selector: `::-webkit-progress-inner-element`
css selector: `::-webkit-progress-value`
css selector: `:indeterminate`: applies to `<progress>` elements
html element: progress: max
html element: progress: value
32 results found.