1. CSS box-decoration-break

    Controls whether the box's margins, borders, padding, and other decorations wrap the broken edges of the box fragments (when the box is split by a break (page/column/region/line).

  2. Media Queries: resolution feature

    Allows a media query to be set based on the device pixels used per CSS unit. While the standard uses `min`/`max-resolution` for this, some browsers support the older non-standard `device-pixel-ratio` media query.

  3. Window.devicePixelRatio

    Read-only property that returns the ratio of the (vertical) size of one physical pixel on the current display device to the size of one CSS pixel.

  4. text-decoration styling

    Method of defining the type, style and color of lines in the text-decoration property. These can be defined as shorthand (e.g. `text-decoration: line-through dashed blue`) or as single properties (e.g. `text-decoration-color: blue`)

  5. Vibration API

    Method to access the vibration mechanism of the hosting device.

  6. WebAssembly Bulk Memory Operations

    An extension to WebAssembly adding bulk memory operations and conditional segment initialization

  7. audiobuffer api: duration

  8. audiodata api: duration

  9. cssstyledeclaration api

  10. cssstyledeclaration api: @@iterator

  11. cssstyledeclaration api: cssfloat

  12. cssstyledeclaration api: csstext

  13. cssstyledeclaration api: getpropertycssvalue

  14. cssstyledeclaration api: getpropertypriority

  15. cssstyledeclaration api: getpropertyvalue

  16. cssstyledeclaration api: item

  17. cssstyledeclaration api: length

  18. cssstyledeclaration api: parentrule

  19. cssstyledeclaration api: removeproperty

  20. cssstyledeclaration api: setproperty

  21. dynamicscompressornode api: ratio

  22. gamepad api: vibrationactuator

  23. linearaccelerationsensor api

  24. linearaccelerationsensor api: `linearaccelerationsensor()` constructor

  25. mediasource api: duration

  26. sharedstorageoperation api

  27. svganimatedenumeration api

  28. svganimatedenumeration api: animval

  29. svganimatedenumeration api: baseval

  30. svgpreserveaspectratio api

  31. usbconfiguration api

  32. usbconfiguration api: configurationname

  33. usbconfiguration api: configurationvalue

  34. usbconfiguration api: interfaces

  35. usbconfiguration api: `usbconfiguration()` constructor

  36. usbdevice api: configuration

  37. usbdevice api: configurations

  38. videoframe api: duration

  39. css at-rule: `@media`: `-moz-device-pixel-ratio` media feature

  40. css at-rule: `@media`: `-webkit-device-pixel-ratio` media feature

  41. css at-rule: `@media`: `-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio` media feature

  42. css at-rule: `@media`: `-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio` media feature

  43. css at-rule: `@media`: `aspect-ratio` media feature

  44. css at-rule: `@media`: `device-aspect-ratio` media feature

  45. css property: aspect-ratio

  46. css property: aspect-ratio: auto

  47. types: <ratio>

  48. types: <ratio>: accepts a single <number> as a value.

  49. html element: img: aspect ratio computed from `width` and `height` attributes

  50. html element: video: aspect ratio computed from `width` and `height` attributes