1. Array.prototype.find

    The `find()` method returns the value of the first item in the array based on the result of the provided testing function.

  2. Array.prototype.findIndex

    The `findIndex()` method returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.

  3. flat & flatMap array methods

    Methods to flatten any sub-arrays found in an array by concatenating their elements.

  4. Array.prototype.includes

    Determines whether or not an array includes the given value, returning a boolean value (unlike `indexOf`).

  5. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  6. Shared Array Buffer

    Type of ArrayBuffer that can be shared across Workers.

  7. Typed Arrays

    JavaScript typed arrays provide a mechanism for accessing raw binary data much more efficiently. Includes: `Int8Array`, `Uint8Array`, `Uint8ClampedArray`, `Int16Array`, `Uint16Array`, `Int32Array`, `Uint32Array`, `Float32Array` & `Float64Array`

  8. blob api: `arraybuffer()`

  9. cssnumericarray api

  10. cssnumericarray api: @@iterator

  11. cssnumericarray api: entries

  12. cssnumericarray api: foreach

  13. cssnumericarray api: keys

  14. cssnumericarray api: length

  15. cssnumericarray api: values

  16. mimetypearray api

  17. mimetypearray api: item

  18. mimetypearray api: length

  19. mimetypearray api: nameditem

  20. oes_vertex_array_object api

  21. oes_vertex_array_object api: bindvertexarrayoes

  22. oes_vertex_array_object api: createvertexarrayoes

  23. oes_vertex_array_object api: deletevertexarrayoes

  24. oes_vertex_array_object api: isvertexarrayoes

  25. pluginarray api

  26. pluginarray api: item

  27. pluginarray api: length

  28. pluginarray api: nameditem

  29. pluginarray api: refresh

  30. request api: arraybuffer

  31. response api: arraybuffer

  32. webglvertexarrayobject api

  33. webglvertexarrayobjectoes api

  34. xrinputsourcearray api

  35. xrinputsourcearray api: @@iterator

  36. xrinputsourcearray api: `entries()`

  37. xrinputsourcearray api: `foreach()`

  38. xrinputsourcearray api: keys

  39. xrinputsourcearray api: length

  40. xrinputsourcearray api: values

  41. xrray api

  42. xrray api: direction

  43. xrray api: matrix

  44. xrray api: origin

  45. xrray api: `xrray()` constructor

  46. css property: offset-path: support for `ray()` function as a value

  47. types: `ray()`

  48. types: `ray()`: `at <position>`

  49. types: `ray()`: `<size>`

  50. grammar: array literals (`[1, 2, 3]`)