1. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  2. Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC

    Enables mobile endpoints to talk to servers and web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via native and simple JavaScript APIs

  3. WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections

    Method of allowing two users to communicate directly, browser to browser using the RTCPeerConnection API.

  4. rtcdatachannel api

  5. rtcdatachannelevent api

  6. rtcdatachannel api: binarytype

  7. rtcdatachannel api: close

  8. rtcdatachannel api: id

  9. rtcdatachannel api: label

  10. rtcdatachannel api: ordered

  11. rtcdatachannel api: priority

  12. rtcdatachannel api: protocol

  13. rtcdatachannel api: reliable

  14. rtcdatachannel api: send

  15. rtcdtmfsender api

  16. rtcdtmfsender api: tonebuffer

  17. rtcdtmftonechangeevent api

  18. rtcencodedaudioframe api

  19. rtcencodedaudioframe api: data

  20. rtcencodedvideoframe api

  21. rtcencodedvideoframe api: data

  22. rtcencodedvideoframe api: type

  23. rtcerror api

  24. rtcerrorevent api

  25. rtcerrorevent api: error

  26. rtcerror api: errordetail

  27. rtcerror api: sctpcausecode

  28. rtcerror api: sdplinenumber

  29. rtcicecandidate api

  30. rtcicecandidate api: address

  31. rtcicecandidate api: candidate

  32. rtcicecandidate api: priority

  33. rtcicecandidate api: protocol

  34. rtcicecandidate api: sdpmid

  35. rtcicecandidate api: tcptype

  36. rtcicecandidate api: tojson

  37. rtcicecandidate api: type

  38. rtcicecandidate api: url

  39. rtcpeerconnection api

  40. rtcpeerconnectioniceevent api

  41. rtcpeerconnection api: close

  42. rtcpeerconnection api: sctp

  43. rtcsessiondescription api

  44. rtcsessiondescription api: sdp

  45. rtctrackevent api

  46. rtctrackevent api: receiver

  47. rtctrackevent api: streams

  48. rtctrackevent api: track

  49. rtctransformevent api

  50. html element: rt