1. const

    Declares a constant with block level scope

  2. Scoped Styles: the @scope rule

    Allows CSS rules to be scoped to part of the document, with upper and lower limits described by selectors.

  3. ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)

    Support for the ECMAScript 2015 specification. Features include Promises, Modules, Classes, Template Literals, Arrow Functions, Let and Const, Default Parameters, Generators, Destructuring Assignment, Rest & Spread, Map/Set & WeakMap/WeakSet and many more.

  4. Gyroscope

    Defines a concrete sensor interface to monitor the rate of rotation around the device’s local three primary axes.

  5. let

    Declares a variable with block level scope

  6. Scoped attribute

    Deprecated method of allowing scoped CSS styles using a "scoped" attribute. Now [removed from the specification](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/552) and replaced by the [@scope CSS rule](/css-cascade-scope).

  7. audioworkletglobalscope api

  8. audioworkletglobalscope api: currentframe

  9. audioworkletglobalscope api: currenttime

  10. audioworkletglobalscope api: samplerate

  11. cssscoperule api

  12. cssscoperule api: end

  13. cssscoperule api: start

  14. gpudevice api: poperrorscope

  15. gyroscope api

  16. gyroscope api: `gyroscope()` constructor

  17. gyroscope api: x

  18. gyroscope api: y

  19. gyroscope api: z

  20. htmltablecellelement api: scope

  21. paintworkletglobalscope api

  22. paintworkletglobalscope api: registerpaint

  23. serviceworkerregistration api: scope

  24. sharedworkerglobalscope api

  25. sharedworkerglobalscope api: close

  26. sharedworkerglobalscope api: name

  27. workerglobalscope api

  28. workerglobalscope api: dump

  29. workerglobalscope api: `error` event

  30. workerglobalscope api: fonts

  31. workerglobalscope api: importscripts

  32. workerglobalscope api: importscripts: strict mime type checks for `importscripts()`

  33. workerglobalscope api: `languagechange` event

  34. workerglobalscope api: location

  35. workerglobalscope api: navigator

  36. workerglobalscope api: `offline` event

  37. workerglobalscope api: `online` event

  38. workerglobalscope api: `securitypolicyviolation` event

  39. workerglobalscope api: self

  40. workletglobalscope api

  41. css at-rule: `@scope`

  42. css property: timeline-scope

  43. css property: timeline-scope: all

  44. css property: timeline-scope: none

  45. css selector: `:scope`

  46. css selector: `:scope`: support in dom api such as in `queryselector()` and `queryselectorall()`

  47. html element: td: scope

  48. html element: th: scope

  49. manifest: scope

  50. manifest: serviceworker: scope