1. getElementsByClassName

    Method of accessing DOM elements by class name

  2. Email, telephone & URL input types

    Text input fields intended for email addresses, telephone numbers or URLs. Particularly useful in combination with [form validation](https://caniuse.com/#feat=form-validation)

  3. Element.insertAdjacentElement() & Element.insertAdjacentText()

    Methods for inserting an element or text before or after a given element, or appending or prepending an element or text to a given element's list of children.

  4. bytelengthqueuingstrategy api

  5. bytelengthqueuingstrategy api: `bytelengthqueuingstrategy()` constructor

  6. bytelengthqueuingstrategy api: highwatermark

  7. bytelengthqueuingstrategy api: size

  8. htmldlistelement api

  9. htmlfontelement api

  10. htmlfontelement api: color

  11. htmlfontelement api: face

  12. htmlfontelement api: size

  13. htmlinputelement api

  14. htmlinputelement api: alt

  15. htmlinputelement api: form

  16. htmlinputelement api: list

  17. htmlinputelement api: max

  18. htmlinputelement api: min

  19. htmlinputelement api: name

  20. htmlinputelement api: size

  21. htmlinputelement api: src

  22. htmlinputelement api: step

  23. htmlinputelement api: type

  24. htmlolistelement api

  25. htmlolistelement api: start

  26. htmlolistelement api: type

  27. htmlslotelement api

  28. htmlslotelement api: assign

  29. htmlslotelement api: assignedelements

  30. htmlslotelement api: assignednodes

  31. htmlslotelement api: name

  32. htmlslotelement api: `slotchange` event

  33. htmlulistelement api

  34. htmlulistelement api: type

  35. svgfontelement api

  36. svgrectelement api

  37. svgrectelement api: height

  38. svgrectelement api: rx

  39. svgrectelement api: ry

  40. svgrectelement api: width

  41. svgrectelement api: x

  42. svgrectelement api: y

  43. svgscriptelement api

  44. svgscriptelement api: href

  45. svgscriptelement api: type

  46. svgsetelement api

  47. svgtextelement api

  48. css property: hyphens: hyphenation dictionary for telugu (te, te-*)

  49. css property: list-style-type: telugu

  50. html element: input: `type="tel"`