CSS zoom
Method of scaling content while also affecting layout.
CSS3 2D Transforms
Method of transforming an element including rotating, scaling, etc. Includes support for `transform` as well as `transform-origin` properties.
CSS3 3D Transforms
Method of transforming an element in the third dimension using the `transform` property. Includes support for the `perspective` property to set the perspective in z-space and the `backface-visibility` property to toggle display of the reverse side of a 3D-transformed element.
canvasrenderingcontext2d api: transform
offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: transform
paintrenderingcontext2d api: transform
rtcrtpreceiver api: transform
rtcrtpsender api: transform
svgclippathelement api: transform
svggraphicselement api: transform
transformstream api
transformstreamdefaultcontroller api
transformstreamdefaultcontroller api: desiredsize
transformstreamdefaultcontroller api: enqueue
transformstreamdefaultcontroller api: error
transformstreamdefaultcontroller api: terminate
transformstream api: readable
transformstream api: transferable
transformstream api: `transformstream()` constructor
transformstream api: `transformstream()` constructor: `transformer.cancel` method
transformstream api: writable
webgl2renderingcontext api: transformfeedbackvaryings
xrcylinderlayer api: transform
xrequirectlayer api: transform
xrpose api: transform
xrquadlayer api: transform
xrreferencespaceevent api: transform
xrview api: transform
xsltprocessor api: transformtodocument
xsltprocessor api: transformtofragment
css property: transform-box
css property: transform-box: border-box
css property: transform-box: content-box
css property: transform-box: fill-box
css property: transform-box: stroke-box
css property: transform-box: view-box
css property: transform-origin
css property: transform-origin: bottom
css property: transform-origin: center
css property: transform-origin: left
css property: transform-origin: right
css property: transform-origin: on svg elements
css property: transform-origin: three-value syntax
css property: transform-origin: top
css property: transform-style
types: `<transform-function>`
types: `<transform-function>`: `skew()`
types: `<transform-function>`: `skewx()`
global_attributes: transform
global_attributes: transform-origin
50 results found.