1. audioworklet api

  2. audioworkletglobalscope api

  3. audioworkletglobalscope api: currentframe

  4. audioworkletglobalscope api: currenttime

  5. audioworkletglobalscope api: registerprocessor

  6. audioworkletglobalscope api: samplerate

  7. audioworkletnode api

  8. audioworkletnode api: `audioworkletnode()` constructor

  9. audioworkletnode api: parameters

  10. audioworkletnode api: port

  11. audioworkletnode api: `processorerror` event

  12. audioworkletprocessor api

  13. audioworkletprocessor api: `audioworkletprocessor()` constructor

  14. audioworkletprocessor api: port

  15. baseaudiocontext api: audioworklet

  16. css api: `paintworklet` static property

  17. paintworkletglobalscope api

  18. paintworkletglobalscope api: devicepixelratio

  19. paintworkletglobalscope api: registerpaint

  20. sharedstorageworklet api

  21. sharedstorageworkletglobalscope api

  22. sharedstorageworkletglobalscope api: register

  23. sharedstorageworkletglobalscope api: sharedstorage

  24. windowsharedstorage api: worklet

  25. worklet api

  26. workletglobalscope api

  27. workletsharedstorage api

  28. workletsharedstorage api: @@asynciterator

  29. workletsharedstorage api: context

  30. workletsharedstorage api: entries

  31. workletsharedstorage api: get

  32. workletsharedstorage api: keys

  33. workletsharedstorage api: length

  34. workletsharedstorage api: remainingbudget

  35. worklet api: addmodule

  36. worklet api: support for ecmascript modules

  37. types: `<image>`: `paint()`: supports additional parameters to pass to the `paintworklet`

  38. javascript statement: import: available in worklets