ES6 Template Literals (Template Strings)
- OTHERTemplate literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions using backtick characters (`). You can use multi-line strings and string interpolation features with them. Formerly known as template strings.
- ❌ 4 - 40: Not supported
- ✅ 41 - 130: Supported
- ✅ 131: Supported
- ✅ 132 - 134: Supported
- ﹖ 12: Support unknown
- ✅ 13 - 130: Supported
- ✅ 131: Supported
- ❌ 3.1 - 9: Not supported
- ✅ 9.1 - 11.1: Supported
- ✅ 12: Supported
- ✅ 12.1 - 18.1: Supported
- ✅ 18.2: Supported
- ✅ 18.3 - TP: Supported
- ❌ 2 - 33: Not supported
- ✅ 34 - 132: Supported
- ✅ 133: Supported
- ✅ 134 - 136: Supported
- ❌ 9 - 28: Not supported
- ✅ 29 - 113: Supported
- ✅ 114: Supported
- ❌ 5.5 - 10: Not supported
- ❌ 11: Not supported
Chrome for Android
- ✅ 131: Supported
Safari on iOS
- ❌ 3.2 - 8.4: Not supported
- ✅ 9 - 11.4: Supported
- ✅ 12: Supported
- ✅ 12.2 - 18.1: Supported
- ✅ 18.2: Supported
- ✅ 18.3: Supported
Samsung Internet
- ✅ 4 - 26: Supported
- ✅ 27: Supported
Opera Mini
- ❌ all: Not supported
Opera Mobile
- ❌ 10 - 12.1: Not supported
- ✅ 80: Supported
UC Browser for Android
- ✅ 15.5: Supported
Android Browser
- ❌ 2.1 - 4.4.4: Not supported
- ✅ 131: Supported
Firefox for Android
- ✅ 132: Supported
QQ Browser
- ✅ 14.9: Supported
Baidu Browser
- ✅ 13.52: Supported
KaiOS Browser
- ✅ 2.5: Supported
- ✅ 3: Supported