1. CSS Canvas Drawings

    Method of using HTML5 Canvas as a background image. Not currently part of any specification.

  2. CSS content-visibility

    Provides control over when elements are rendered, so rendering can be skipped for elements not yet in the user's viewport.

  3. CSS Cross-Fade Function

    Image function to create a "crossfade" between images. This allows one image to transition (fade) into another based on a percentage value.

  4. CSS first-line pseudo-element

    Allows styling specifically for the first line of text using the `::first-line` pseudo-element. Note that only a limited set of properties can be applied.

  5. CSS font-stretch

    If a font has multiple types of variations based on the width of characters, the `font-stretch` property allows the appropriate one to be selected. The property in itself does not cause the browser to stretch to a font.

  6. CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements

    Method of displaying text or images before or after the given element's contents using the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements. All browsers with support also support the `attr()` notation in the `content` property.

  7. letter-spacing CSS property

    Controls spacing between characters of text (i.e. "tracking" in typographical terms). Not to be confused with kerning.

  8. CSS Nesting

    CSS nesting provides the ability to nest one style rule inside another, with the selector of the child rule relative to the selector of the parent rule. Similar behavior previously required a CSS pre-processor.

  9. :optional CSS pseudo-class

    The `:optional` pseudo-class matches form inputs (`<input>`, `<textarea>`, `<select>`) which are not `:required`.

  10. CSS Relative colors

    The CSS Relative Color syntax allows a color to be defined relative to another color using the `from` keyword and optionally `calc()` for any of the color values.

  11. CSS revert value

    A CSS keyword value that resets a property's value to the default specified by the browser in its UA stylesheet, as if the webpage had not included any CSS. For example, `display:revert` on a `<div>` would result in `display:block`. This is in contrast to the `initial` value, which is simply defined on a per-property basis, and for `display` would be `inline`.

  12. #rrggbbaa hex color notation

    The CSS Color Module Level 4 defines new 4 & 8 character hex notation for color to include the opacity level.

  13. CSS3 selectors

    Advanced element selection using selectors including: `[foo^="bar"]`, `[foo$="bar"]`, `[foo*="bar"]`, `:root`, `:nth-child()`, `:nth-last-child()`, `:nth-of-type()`, `:nth-last-of-type()`, `:last-child`, `:first-of-type`, `:last-of-type`, `:only-child`, `:only-of-type`, `:empty`, `:target`, `:enabled`, `:disabled`, `:checked`, `:not()`, `~` (general sibling)

  14. ::selection CSS pseudo-element

    The ::selection CSS pseudo-element applies rules to the portion of a document that has been highlighted (e.g., selected with the mouse or another pointing device) by the user.

  15. CSS.supports() API

    The CSS.supports() static method returns a Boolean value indicating if the browser supports a given CSS feature, or not.

  16. CSS unset value

    A CSS value that's the same as "inherit" if a property is inherited or "initial" if a property is not inherited.

  17. CSS3 Box-sizing

    Method of specifying whether or not an element's borders and padding should be included in size units

  18. CSS3 Cursors (original values)

    CSS3 cursor values added in the 2004 spec, including none, context-menu, cell, vertical-text, alias, copy, no-drop, not-allowed, nesw-resize, nwse-resize, col-resize, row-resize and all-scroll.

  19. CSS3 font-kerning

    Controls the usage of the kerning information (spacing between letters) stored in the font. Note that this only affects OpenType fonts with kerning information, it has no effect on other fonts.

  20. CSS outline properties

    The CSS outline properties draw a border around an element that does not affect layout, making it ideal for highlighting. This covers the `outline` shorthand, as well as `outline-width`, `outline-style`, `outline-color` and `outline-offset`.

  21. Pointer events

    This specification integrates various inputs from mice, touchscreens, and pens, making separate implementations no longer necessary and authoring for cross-device pointers easier. Not to be mistaken with the unrelated "pointer-events" CSS property.

  22. CSS pointer-events (for HTML)

    This CSS property, when set to "none" allows elements to not receive hover/click events, instead the event will occur on anything behind it.

  23. cssfontfeaturevaluesrule api: annotation

  24. css at-rule: `@font-face`: src: drop invalid item (not src string)

  25. css at-rule: `@font-feature-values`: `@annotation`

  26. css property: counter-reset: resets counter on current element (not sibling elements).

  27. css property: cursor: not-allowed

  28. css property: font-variant-alternates: `annotation()`

  29. css property: list-style-type: footnotes

  30. css selector: `:any-link`: `:any-link` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  31. css selector: `:link`: `:link` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  32. css selector: negation pseudo-class selector (`:not()`)

  33. css selector: `:visited`: `:visited` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  34. types: <color>: rgb hexadecimal notation (`#rrggbb`, `#rgb`, …)

  35. types: <color>: rgb hexadecimal notation (`#rrggbb`, `#rgb`, …): rgba hexadecimal notation (`#rrggbbaa`, `#rgba`)

  36. types: <number>: scientific notation

  37. css max-lines property