Asynchronous Clipboard API
A modern, asynchronous Clipboard API based on Promises
Async functions
Async functions make it possible to treat functions returning Promise objects as if they were synchronous.
Beacon API
Allows data to be sent asynchronously to a server with `navigator.sendBeacon`, even after a page was closed. Useful for posting analytics data the moment a user was finished using the page.
API that can be used to understand the visibility and position of DOM elements relative to a containing element or to the top-level viewport. The position is delivered asynchronously and is useful for understanding the visibility of elements and implementing pre-loading and deferred loading of DOM content.
A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation.
async attribute for external scripts
The boolean async attribute on script elements allows the external JavaScript file to run when it's available, without delaying page load first.
extendableevent api: waituntil: `waituntil` may be called asynchronously
filesystemdirectoryhandle api: [symbol.asynciterator]
gpubuffer api: mapasync
gpudevice api: createcomputepipelineasync
gpudevice api: createrenderpipelineasync
htmlscriptelement api: async
readablestream api: [symbol.asynciterator]
sourcebuffer api: appendbufferasync
sourcebuffer api: removeasync
svgscriptelement api: async
workletsharedstorage api: [symbol.asynciterator]
javascript built-in: array: fromasync
javascript built-in: asyncfunction
javascript built-in: asyncfunction: `asyncfunction()` constructor
javascript built-in: asyncgenerator
javascript built-in: asyncgeneratorfunction
javascript built-in: asyncgeneratorfunction: `asyncgeneratorfunction()` constructor
javascript built-in: asyncgenerator: next
javascript built-in: asyncgenerator: return
javascript built-in: asyncgenerator: throw
javascript built-in: asynciterator
javascript built-in: asynciterator: [symbol.asynciterator]
javascript built-in: atomics: waitasync
javascript built-in: symbol: asynciterator
javascript function: method definitions: async generator methods
javascript function: method definitions: async methods
javascript operator: `async function` expression
javascript operator: `async function*` expression
javascript statement: `async function*` statement
svg element: script: async
ecmascript 2018 (es9)
37 results found.