1. Base64 encoding and decoding

    Utility functions for encoding and decoding strings to and from base 64: window.atob() and window.btoa().

  2. CSS background-attachment

    Method of defining how a background image is attached to a scrollable element. Values include `scroll` (default), `fixed` and `local`.

  3. Background-clip: text

    Clipping a background image to the foreground text.

  4. CSS3 Background-image options

    New properties to affect background images, including background-clip, background-origin and background-size

  5. background-position-x & background-position-y

    CSS longhand properties to define x or y positions separately.

  6. CSS background-repeat round and space

    Allows CSS background images to be repeated without clipping.

  7. Background Sync API

    Provides one-off and periodic synchronization for Service Workers with an onsync event.

  8. Battery Status API

    Method to provide information about the battery status of the hosting device.

  9. Beacon API

    Allows data to be sent asynchronously to a server with `navigator.sendBeacon`, even after a page was closed. Useful for posting analytics data the moment a user was finished using the page.

  10. BigInt

    Arbitrary-precision integers in JavaScript.

  11. CSS3 Border images

    Method of using images for borders

  12. CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)

    Method of making the border corners round. Covers support for the shorthand `border-radius` as well as the long-hand properties (e.g. `border-top-left-radius`)

  13. BroadcastChannel

    BroadcastChannel allows scripts from the same origin but other browsing contexts (windows, workers) to send each other messages.

  14. Brotli Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding

    More effective lossless compression algorithm than gzip and deflate.

  15. Canvas blend modes

    Method of defining the effect resulting from overlaying two layers on a Canvas element.

  16. Basic console logging functions

    Method of outputting data to the browser's console, intended for development purposes.

  17. CSS Backdrop Filter

    Method of applying filter effects (like blur, grayscale or hue) to content/elements below the target element.

  18. CSS background-position edge offsets

    Allows CSS background images to be positioned relative to the specified edge using the 3 to 4 value syntax. For example: `background-position: right 5px bottom 5px;` for positioning 5px from the bottom-right corner.

  19. CSS background-blend-mode

    Allows blending between CSS background images, gradients, and colors.

  20. CSS box-decoration-break

    Controls whether the box's margins, borders, padding, and other decorations wrap the broken edges of the box fragments (when the box is split by a break (page/column/region/line).

  21. CSS3 Box-shadow

    Method of displaying an inner or outer shadow effect to elements

  22. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  23. Blending of HTML/SVG elements

    Allows blending between arbitrary SVG and HTML elements

  24. CSS overscroll-behavior

    CSS property to control the behavior when the scroll position of a scroll container reaches the edge of the scrollport.

  25. CSS page-break properties

    Properties to control the way elements are broken across (printed) pages.

  26. CSS Scroll-behavior

    Method of specifying the scrolling behavior for a scrolling box, when scrolling happens due to navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs.

  27. CSS Subgrid

    Feature of the CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2 that allows a grid-item with its own grid to align in one or both dimensions with its parent grid.

  28. CSS text-wrap: balance

    Allows multiple lines of text to have their lines broken in such a way that each line is roughly the same width, often used to make headlines more readable and visually appealing.

  29. CSS3 Box-sizing

    Method of specifying whether or not an element's borders and padding should be included in size units

  30. CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

    Method of positioning elements in horizontal or vertical stacks. Support includes all properties prefixed with `flex`, as well as `display: flex`, `display: inline-flex`, `align-content`, `align-items`, `align-self`, `justify-content` and `order`.

  31. Element.getBoundingClientRect()

    Method to get the size and position of an element's bounding box, relative to the viewport.

  32. getElementsByClassName

    Method of accessing DOM elements by class name

  33. CSS inline-block

    Method of displaying an element as a block while flowing it with text.

  34. IntersectionObserver V2

    Iteration on the original API that also reports if the element is covered by another element or has filters applied to it. Useful for blocking clickjacking attempts or tracking ad exposure.

  35. CSS3 Multiple backgrounds

    Method of using multiple images as a background

  36. Built-in PDF viewer

    Support for a PDF viewer that is part of the browser, rather than requiring a PDF file to be opened in an external application.

  37. Shared Array Buffer

    Type of ArrayBuffer that can be shared across Workers.

  38. SVG (basic support)

    Method of displaying basic Vector Graphics features using the embed or object elements. Refers to the SVG 1.1 spec.

  39. SVG in CSS backgrounds

    Method of using SVG images as CSS backgrounds

  40. Variable fonts

    OpenType font settings that allows a single font file to behave like multiple fonts: it can contain all the allowed variations in width, weight, slant, optical size, or any other exposed axes of variation as defined by the font designer. Variations can be applied via the `font-variation-settings` property.

  41. wbr (word break opportunity) element

    Represents an extra place where a line of text may optionally be broken.

  42. Web Animations API

    Lets you create animations that are run in the browser, as well as inspect and manipulate animations created through declarative means like CSS.

  43. CSS3 word-break

    Property to prevent or allow words to be broken over multiple lines between letters.

  44. html element: b

  45. background-filter

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