CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)
Method of making the border corners round. Covers support for the shorthand `border-radius` as well as the long-hand properties (e.g. `border-top-left-radius`)
CSS Logical Properties
Logical properties and values provide control of layout through logical, rather than physical, direction and dimension mappings. These properties are `writing-mode` relative equivalents of their corresponding physical properties.
CSS outline properties
The CSS outline properties draw a border around an element that does not affect layout, making it ideal for highlighting. This covers the `outline` shorthand, as well as `outline-width`, `outline-style`, `outline-color` and `outline-offset`.
css property: border-bottom-left-radius
css property: border-bottom-left-radius: elliptical corners
css property: border-bottom-left-radius: percentages
css property: border-bottom-right-radius
css property: border-bottom-right-radius: elliptical corners
css property: border-bottom-right-radius: percentages
css property: border-end-end-radius
css property: border-end-start-radius
css property: border-radius: 4 values for 4 corners
css property: border-radius: elliptical borders
css property: border-radius: percentages
css property: border-start-end-radius
css property: border-start-start-radius
css property: border-top-left-radius
css property: border-top-left-radius: elliptical corners
css property: border-top-left-radius: percentages
css property: border-top-right-radius
css property: border-top-right-radius: elliptical corners
css property: border-top-right-radius: percentages
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