1. CSS background-position edge offsets

    Allows CSS background images to be positioned relative to the specified edge using the 3 to 4 value syntax. For example: `background-position: right 5px bottom 5px;` for positioning 5px from the bottom-right corner.

  2. CSS Environment Variables env()

    Usage of environment variables like `safe-area-inset-top`.

  3. domrectreadonly api: bottom

  4. rect api: bottom

  5. css property: background-position-x: side-relative values (such as `bottom 10%`)

  6. css property: background-position-y: side-relative values (such as `bottom 10%`)

  7. css property: background-position: bottom

  8. css property: background-position: side-relative values (such as `bottom 10% right 20%`)

  9. css property: border-bottom

  10. css property: border-bottom-color

  11. css property: border-bottom-left-radius

  12. css property: border-bottom-left-radius: elliptical corners

  13. css property: border-bottom-left-radius: percentages

  14. css property: border-bottom-right-radius

  15. css property: border-bottom-right-radius: elliptical corners

  16. css property: border-bottom-right-radius: percentages

  17. css property: border-bottom-style

  18. css property: border-bottom-width

  19. css property: bottom

  20. css property: bottom: auto

  21. css property: caption-side: bottom-outside

  22. css property: caption-side: `top` and `bottom` are relative to the `writing-mode` value

  23. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-bottom`

  24. css property: margin-bottom

  25. css property: margin-bottom: `auto`

  26. css property: padding-bottom

  27. css property: perspective-origin: bottom

  28. css property: scroll-margin-bottom

  29. css property: scroll-padding-bottom

  30. css property: transform-origin: bottom

  31. css property: vertical-align: bottom

  32. css property: vertical-align: text-bottom

  33. html element: body: bottommargin