1. CSS box-decoration-break

    Controls whether the box's margins, borders, padding, and other decorations wrap the broken edges of the box fragments (when the box is split by a break (page/column/region/line).

  2. CSS3 Box-shadow

    Method of displaying an inner or outer shadow effect to elements

  3. CSS Scroll-behavior

    Method of specifying the scrolling behavior for a scrolling box, when scrolling happens due to navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs.

  4. CSS text-box-trim & text-box-edge

    Provides the ability to remove the vertical space appearing above and below text glyphs, allowing more precise positioning and alignment. Previously specified as the `leading-trim` & `text-edge` properties.

  5. CSS3 Box-sizing

    Method of specifying whether or not an element's borders and padding should be included in size units

  6. CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

    Method of positioning elements in horizontal or vertical stacks. Support includes all properties prefixed with `flex`, as well as `display: flex`, `display: inline-flex`, `align-content`, `align-items`, `align-self`, `justify-content` and `order`.

  7. css property: -webkit-box-reflect

  8. css property: -webkit-line-box-contain

  9. css property: -webkit-mask-box-image

  10. css property: -webkit-mask-box-image-outset

  11. css property: -webkit-mask-box-image-repeat

  12. css property: -webkit-mask-box-image-slice

  13. css property: -webkit-mask-box-image-source

  14. css property: -webkit-mask-box-image-width

  15. css property: background-clip: border-box

  16. css property: background-clip: content-box

  17. css property: background-clip: padding-box

  18. css property: background-origin: border-box

  19. css property: box-align

  20. css property: box-decoration-break: clone

  21. css property: box-decoration-break: slice

  22. css property: box-direction

  23. css property: box-flex

  24. css property: box-flex-group

  25. css property: box-lines

  26. css property: box-ordinal-group

  27. css property: box-orient

  28. css property: box-pack

  29. css property: box-shadow: `inset`

  30. css property: box-shadow: multiple shadows

  31. css property: box-shadow: spread radius

  32. css property: box-sizing: border-box

  33. css property: box-sizing: content-box

  34. css property: box-sizing: `padding-box`

  35. css property: clip-path: fill-box

  36. css property: clip-path: stroke-box

  37. css property: clip-path: view-box

  38. css property: font: message-box

  39. css property: mask-origin: `fill-box`

  40. css property: mask-origin: `stroke-box`

  41. css property: mask-origin: `view-box`

  42. css property: object-view-box

  43. css property: object-view-box: none

  44. css property: offset-path: `<coord-box>`

  45. css property: transform-box

  46. css property: transform-box: border-box

  47. css property: transform-box: content-box

  48. css property: transform-box: fill-box

  49. css property: transform-box: stroke-box

  50. css property: transform-box: view-box