CSS3 text-align-last
CSS property to describe how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break when `text-align` is `justify`.
CSS text-box-trim & text-box-edge
Provides the ability to remove the vertical space appearing above and below text glyphs, allowing more precise positioning and alignment. Previously specified as the `leading-trim` & `text-edge` properties.
CSS text-indent
The `text-indent` property applies indentation to lines of inline content in a block.
CSS text-justify
CSS property to define how text should be justified when `text-align: justify` is set.
CSS text-orientation
The CSS `text-orientation` property specifies the orientation of text within a line. Current values only have an effect in vertical typographic modes (defined with the `writing-mode` property)
CSS text-wrap: balance
Allows multiple lines of text to have their lines broken in such a way that each line is roughly the same width, often used to make headlines more readable and visually appealing.
CSS3 Text-shadow
Method of applying one or more shadow or blur effects to text
CSS3 Text-overflow
Append ellipsis when text overflows its containing element
CSS text-size-adjust
On mobile devices, the text-size-adjust CSS property allows Web authors to control if and how the text-inflating algorithm is applied to the textual content of the element it is applied to.
CSS text-stroke and text-fill
Method of declaring the outline (stroke) width and color for text.
css property: appearance: textarea
css property: cursor: text
css property: mask-clip: text
css property: text-align
css property: text-align-last
css property: text-align-last: auto
css property: text-align: center
css property: text-align: end
css property: text-align: justify
css property: text-align: left
css property: text-align: right
css property: text-align: start
css property: text-anchor
css property: text-combine-upright
css property: text-decoration
css property: text-decoration-line
css property: text-decoration-skip
css property: text-emphasis-color
css property: text-emphasis-style
css property: text-indent: hanging
css property: text-justify: auto
css property: text-justify: none
css property: text-overflow: clip
css property: text-rendering
css property: text-rendering: auto
css property: text-spacing-trim
css property: text-transform
css property: text-transform: none
css property: text-underline-offset
css property: text-wrap
css property: text-wrap-mode
css property: text-wrap-mode: wrap
css property: text-wrap-style
css property: text-wrap-style: auto
css property: text-wrap: balance
css property: text-wrap: nowrap
css property: text-wrap: pretty
css property: text-wrap: stable
css property: text-wrap: wrap
css property: user-select: text
50 results found.