CSS3 Background-image options
New properties to affect background images, including background-clip, background-origin and background-size
CSS3 Border images
Method of using images for borders
CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)
Method of making the border corners round. Covers support for the shorthand `border-radius` as well as the long-hand properties (e.g. `border-top-left-radius`)
CSS Animation
Complex method of animating certain properties of an element
CSS3 Box-shadow
Method of displaying an inner or outer shadow effect to elements
CSS3 image-orientation
CSS property used generally to fix the intended orientation of an image. This can be done using 90 degree increments or based on the image's EXIF data using the "from-image" value.
CSS3 Media Queries
Method of applying styles based on media information. Includes things like page and device dimensions
CSS3 Opacity
Method of setting the transparency level of an element
CSS3 selectors
Advanced element selection using selectors including: `[foo^="bar"]`, `[foo$="bar"]`, `[foo*="bar"]`, `:root`, `:nth-child()`, `:nth-last-child()`, `:nth-of-type()`, `:nth-last-of-type()`, `:last-child`, `:first-of-type`, `:last-of-type`, `:only-child`, `:only-of-type`, `:empty`, `:target`, `:enabled`, `:disabled`, `:checked`, `:not()`, `~` (general sibling)
CSS3 text-align-last
CSS property to describe how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break when `text-align` is `justify`.
CSS3 Text-shadow
Method of applying one or more shadow or blur effects to text
CSS3 Transitions
Simple method of animating certain properties of an element, with ability to define property, duration, delay and timing function.
CSS3 attr() function for all properties
While `attr()` is supported for effectively all browsers for the `content` property, CSS Values and Units Level 5 adds the ability to use `attr()` on **any** CSS property, and to use it for non-string values (e.g. numbers, colors).
CSS3 Box-sizing
Method of specifying whether or not an element's borders and padding should be included in size units
CSS3 Colors
Method of describing colors using Hue, Saturation and Lightness (hsl()) rather than just RGB, as well as allowing alpha-transparency with rgba() and hsla().
CSS3 Cursors (original values)
CSS3 cursor values added in the 2004 spec, including none, context-menu, cell, vertical-text, alias, copy, no-drop, not-allowed, nesw-resize, nwse-resize, col-resize, row-resize and all-scroll.
CSS grab & grabbing cursors
Support for the `grab` & `grabbing` values for the `cursor` property. Used to indicate that something can be grabbed (dragged to be moved).
CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out
Support for `zoom-in`, `zoom-out` values for the CSS3 `cursor` property.
CSS3 tab-size
Method of customizing the width of the tab character. Only effective using 'white-space: pre', 'white-space: pre-wrap', and 'white-space: break-spaces'.
CSS3 font-kerning
Controls the usage of the kerning information (spacing between letters) stored in the font. Note that this only affects OpenType fonts with kerning information, it has no effect on other fonts.
CSS3 Multiple backgrounds
Method of using multiple images as a background
CSS3 Multiple column layout
Method of flowing information in multiple columns
CSS3 object-fit/object-position
Method of specifying how an object (image or video) should fit inside its box. object-fit options include "contain" (fit according to aspect ratio), "fill" (stretches object to fill) and "cover" (overflows box but maintains ratio), where object-position allows the object to be repositioned like background-image does.
CSS3 Text-overflow
Append ellipsis when text overflows its containing element
CSS3 2D Transforms
Method of transforming an element including rotating, scaling, etc. Includes support for `transform` as well as `transform-origin` properties.
CSS3 3D Transforms
Method of transforming an element in the third dimension using the `transform` property. Includes support for the `perspective` property to set the perspective in z-space and the `backface-visibility` property to toggle display of the reverse side of a 3D-transformed element.
CSS3 word-break
Property to prevent or allow words to be broken over multiple lines between letters.
CSS3 Overflow-wrap
Allows lines to be broken within words if an otherwise unbreakable string is too long to fit. Currently mostly supported using the `word-wrap` property.
28 results found.