1. CSS3 Cursors (original values)

    CSS3 cursor values added in the 2004 spec, including none, context-menu, cell, vertical-text, alias, copy, no-drop, not-allowed, nesw-resize, nwse-resize, col-resize, row-resize and all-scroll.

  2. CSS grab & grabbing cursors

    Support for the `grab` & `grabbing` values for the `cursor` property. Used to indicate that something can be grabbed (dragged to be moved).

  3. CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out

    Support for `zoom-in`, `zoom-out` values for the CSS3 `cursor` property.

  4. idbcursor api

  5. idbcursor api: key

  6. css property: -webkit-cursor-visibility

  7. css property: cursor: alias

  8. css property: cursor: all-scroll

  9. css property: cursor: auto

  10. css property: cursor: cell

  11. css property: cursor: col-resize

  12. css property: cursor: context-menu

  13. css property: cursor: copy

  14. css property: cursor: crosshair

  15. css property: cursor: default

  16. css property: cursor: e-resize

  17. css property: cursor: ew-resize

  18. css property: cursor: grabbing

  19. css property: cursor: help

  20. css property: cursor: move

  21. css property: cursor: n-resize

  22. css property: cursor: ne-resize

  23. css property: cursor: nesw-resize

  24. css property: cursor: no-drop

  25. css property: cursor: none

  26. css property: cursor: not-allowed

  27. css property: cursor: ns-resize

  28. css property: cursor: nw-resize

  29. css property: cursor: nwse-resize

  30. css property: cursor: pointer

  31. css property: cursor: progress

  32. css property: cursor: row-resize

  33. css property: cursor: s-resize

  34. css property: cursor: se-resize

  35. css property: cursor: sw-resize

  36. css property: cursor: text

  37. css property: cursor: `url()`

  38. css property: cursor: `url()` positioning syntax

  39. css property: cursor: vertical-text

  40. css property: cursor: w-resize

  41. css property: cursor: wait

  42. css property: cursor: zoom-in

  43. css property: cursor: zoom-out

  44. svg element: cursor

  45. svg element: cursor: href

  46. svg element: cursor: systemlanguage

  47. svg element: cursor: x

  48. svg element: cursor: `xlink:href`

  49. svg element: cursor: y

  50. global_attributes: cursor